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Those lost mountain climbers.....

Starter: Jeff613 Posted: 17 years ago Views: 742
Lvl 14
I think these guys were idiots. They purposely put themselves in harm's way and fucked up. Now there are hundreds of people who have to risk their own lives just to save their dumb, probably already-dead asses. They should have taken a satellite rescue locator with them, which these days are cheap and readily available. I'm not talking about a GPS either, I mean a satellite locator rescue beacon which would have led rescuers right to them. Instead they took a cell phone. Into the wildreness. Anyone with a family should not be taking stupid risks with their life. Their life is not theirs to risk, that life belongs partially to their family who they are obligated to be there for. They neglected that duty when they put themselves at obvious risk.
* This post has been modified : 17 years ago
Lvl 51
hope they will be safe and they can be rescued to come back soon with their families....
* This post has been modified : 17 years ago
Lvl 11
um, linky please.

is this about mt hood?
* This post has been modified : 17 years ago
Lvl 14
Altho I can't agree with your choice of words..the "cold" hard fact remains..They "WERE" "Experts..Now in your lil monolouge, I read 2 shoulds and a would..Are you an expert on Satellite rescue equipment and/or a philosopher/preacher/family therapist or Mountain Climber?..Now since this is the third group of people (A couple spent 4 nights inside a burnt out redwood tree in Castle Rock State park in the Santa Cruz Mountains of California; The James Kim family spent seven days lost on a Forest Service Road between Grants Pass and Gold Beach in oregon..James Kim died after walking over 10 mi. thru the snow in tennis shoes!!) to get lost in the past couple of months..(and winter isn't even here yet)..I'm wondering what is gonna happen next..
Originally posted by Jeff613

I think these guys were idiots. They purposely put themselves in harm's way and fucked up. Now there are hundreds of people who have to risk their own lives just to save their dumb, probably already-dead asses. They should have taken a satellite rescue locator with them, which these days are cheap and readily available. I'm not talking about a GPS either, I mean a satellite locator rescue beacon which would have led rescuers right to them. Instead they took a cell phone. Into the wildreness. Anyone with a family should not be taking stupid risks with their life. Their life is not theirs to risk, that life belongs partially to their family who they are obligated to be there for. They neglected that duty when they put themselves at obvious risk.
* This post has been modified : 17 years ago
Lvl 8
Originally posted by Jeff613

I'm not talking about a GPS either, I mean a satellite locator rescue beacon which would have led rescuers right to them. Instead they took a cell phone.

You have no idea how GPS works, do you? I know the answer, you don't. Sat still needs line of sight to the sky, so in heavy storms you are still hosed. And yes, GPS is satellite based.

In heavy storms/cloud cover sat WILL BE USELESS. Even if a signal gets through you need to take in account a 2d or 3d fix. 2d needs three satellites and will tell you a location WITHOUT height. 3d needs 4 sat's and is even more unlikely to get a fix in the weather that is there since the start of their climb.

Yes, plenty of people go into harm's way. Bummer. This shit happens. Don't blame their death on their stupidity based on you moronic understanding of GPS technology.
* This post has been modified : 17 years ago
Lvl 5
I couldn't agree with you any more Jeff. I'm not saying they deserved it or anything, but if I'm going into space I'd bring a space suit and not be thinking I'm tough and will be fine - which is what they did.

Hell you could run into Megatron and he'd whoop some ass.
* This post has been modified : 17 years ago
Lvl 11
guess we should all start living in a bubble.

i beg to differ. "your life" is just that, your life.
* This post has been modified : 17 years ago
Lvl 7
Your lack of compassion floors me.

You probably wear a condom when you jack off…Were you abandoned as a child or something? Live. Take risks.
* This post has been modified : 17 years ago
Lvl 11
by definition, this kid is an idiot as well, no?

"...December 19, 2006 02:15pm
POLICE believe they have found the body of missing teenage bushwalker David Iredale, nine days after he disappeared in remote terrain in the Blue Mountains, west of Sydney..."

* This post has been modified : 17 years ago
Lvl 15
Another stellar Jeff post. Some people enjoy sports that require risk. These guys ran into some bad luck that's all.
* This post has been modified : 17 years ago
Lvl 13
so anytime we leave our house we should have a satellite locator beacon with us? that's like never getting out of bed because you might get hit by a car...

and yes, jeff, a gps enabled cell phone is as affective as a satellite locator beacon, both will give someone your postition when they look for it
* This post has been modified : 17 years ago
Lvl 12
yeah i agree...this is a sad sad way to talk about these misfortunate souls. what happened was harsh...but they are risk takers....which i admire.. like you all said..they ran into some bad luck...some people ski dive for a sport...not talk about something that kill you every time you go...

yet..we bash someone that goes out and has a bad luck doing something that they love...i bet jeff sits at home..plays world of warcraft and looks at whatboyswant. sorry to bash ya..but if you bash ready to get it back
* This post has been modified : 17 years ago
Lvl 13
im with ya jeff.these jerk offs tried to climb 10,000 feet in december.Kim was tring to save him and his family after getting what one should we spend a half million dollars on !??
* This post has been modified : 17 years ago