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This little piggie ate SPAM on Easter

Starter: DEMO Posted: 13 years ago Views: 23.9K
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Lvl 59
Dammit. I hate my finger. It's not so much pain as it is continual soreness, and it's freaking annoying.
Lvl 59
so apparently Mark Zuckerberg, the founder and CEO of facebook, only eats meat that he personally kills.

I think that's kind of weird, and if I had to do it, I think I'd pretty quickly become a vegetarian. Maybe I could eat some fish that I caught, but I'm pretty sure I wouldn't be out killing cows and pigs and such.
Lvl 59
So this is what Roger Ebert calls "The greatest music video ever made"

From a pure production stand point a 8:50 no cut, continuous shoot is very impressive...although I think the UBC one is still better. I've posted it before, but here it is again.

* This post has been modified : 13 years ago
Lvl 19
That is rather fascinating. I pulled up this article.....

He is starting to sound like that goon Ted Nugent, no ?

Originally posted by EricLindros

so apparently Mark Zuckerberg, the founder and CEO of facebook, only eats meat that he personally kills.

I think that's kind of weird, and if I had to do it, I think I'd pretty quickly become a vegetarian. Maybe I could eat some fish that I caught, but I'm pretty sure I wouldn't be out killing cows and pigs and such.
* This post has been modified : 13 years ago
Originally posted by EricLindros

so apparently Mark Zuckerberg, the founder and CEO of facebook, only eats meat that he personally kills.

I think that's kind of weird, and if I had to do it, I think I'd pretty quickly become a vegetarian. Maybe I could eat some fish that I caught, but I'm pretty sure I wouldn't be out killing cows and pigs and such.

I read about this too, and kinda brushed it off as a joke, but the story seems to be gaining momentum.

Socially awkward people + billions of dollars = rich socially awkward weirdos.
Lvl 27
Poor people are weirdos...

Rich people are eccentric...

I'm weird
Lvl 19
Cultural semantics or......?

Originally posted by Demodad68

Poor people are weirdos...

Rich people are eccentric...

I'm weird
Lvl 27
Originally posted by F1098

Cultural semantics or......?


Nah, I'm just weird
Originally posted by Demodad68

Poor people are weirdos...

Rich people are eccentric...

Good point. Although I think of eccentric's a people who wear funny hats, not billionaires who kill their own meat.
Lvl 27
Clown's wear funny hats...
True dat.

See...funny hats.

Lvl 27
Looks like she ran into someone's front door
Lvl 27
Anyone wanna come over and roto rooter my drains...
Lvl 24
This is the best video:

Lvl 37
Originally posted by Sugarpie

Um....TK....wrong forum me thinks.

What's spam?
Other people post music stuff here.
Just sayin'...
Lvl 59
Man, I'm actually sort of tired at what most would consider a normal bedtime, for a change.

But first, I have to post something.
Lvl 24
I'm drinking myself to sleep. So, whenever that happens is when I'm going to bed.
Lvl 59
Sounds tasty.

I had to post some Blake Lively noodies.

Then I really ought to go to sleep, since I have things to do tomorrow, like lunch with this chick, and going to the courthouse and things.
Lunch good - Courthouse bad.
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