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This little piggie ate SPAM on Easter

Starter: DEMO Posted: 13 years ago Views: 23.9K
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Originally posted by Darklight01

The other thing I don't do.

mhm. i'm not lying to you. i don't see the point when one can choose to have as much sex as they want....what?
Idk...I think there is still a need for a little personal time, even if you're getting it fairly regularly.
I suppose somewhere along the line of recent years I stopped caring about masturbating. For me it's a monk thing. For NT, it's a...well, i dunno.
Yeah, I really dont get the whole monk thing.
You probably should by now! We're all over the place.

Oh! News! I'm still a monk, but I have a girl...friend. *sigh* I'm happy.
I think Notech makes up the Monk rules as he goes along.

Girl...friend. Does that mean you're only a monk until you're hoping she becomes a girlfriend?
She won't ever be a girlfriend. She's made that kinda clear. A monk I still shall be. Besides, NT already said I could have sex and still be a monk...
I don't get how casual sex + no strings relationships = Monk. I always thought casual sex + no relationships = slut
Not so! You fail to see the point to Monkdom. Casual sex + no strings relationships gives people the power they need in their day-to-day lives. Therefore, if we do not give a damn, we gain control.

In short, you'll have to talk to Notech. lol I'm somewhat new, and I'm fairly certain that it makes no sense. I just know it's working for me. I do not know or understand why. But then again, I guess it isn't working since I have a girl...friend. Not hopes..(there's tons of hoping!) =l
Lol...every time I talk to Notech I end up more confused then before I started.
lol, tell me. Am I so different from him?
At times yes, at times no. Lol
Bed now.

G'night DL.

Now see, I'm conflicted by both my teachers. NT is teaching me how to be a monk, and you are teaching me how to make avatars. Both my teachers are so very different. But it is hilarious when you two talk to each other I'm just the kid caught in the middle of all this. That's all. But please....I'm 24. NT is like 56 or something. I'm not like a 56 year old...
G'night, SP!
Lvl 37
Iron Butterfly - In-A-Gadda-Da-Vida
Um....TK....wrong forum me thinks.
Lvl 59
I'm right handed, I just don't use that hand for that.

Also, just FYI, when I refer to "Monk" I generally consider that to mean no sexytime with the ladies. Other people may not, but that's how I roll.
Originally posted by EricLindros

Also, just FYI, when I refer to "Monk" I generally consider that to mean no sexytime with the ladies. Other people may not, but that's how I roll.

Thats generally how I interpret the term also.
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