If ya play warcraft let us know. I remember asking if anyone played a long time ago but I thought it was time to ask again. Do ya play? If so what server, what class, what faction? Talk about all things warcraft.
I've got an assortment of characters on the Boulderfist server.
I play on sunstrider. I have a 70 elemental shaman almost epic. Never been in kara or gruul cause my guild disbanded 2 weeks ago and migrated. Have u heard about news on new expansion? 2 new classes, lvl80 reachable. That's all :P
Yeah I've heard and I hope it doesn't come out anytime soon. I'd only heard about the death knight class. New profession is gonna be inscriptions. I think making it reachable to lvl 80 sucks also. The Burning Crusade just came out and it sucks trying to lvl to 80. Blizzard better watch out and don't overexpand. My guild is farming Kara now and trying to get enough together for gruul.
I have wow play in sunstrider have 53 rogue there. Dont have bc but if i can get it with the new one i will buy it i guess.
the new expansion won't be out for a long while anyways so i'm not too worried
For the moment I'm primarily playing a Blood Elf warlock that is on lvl 30. I have a lvl 61 Tauren druid too but I got bored with that class. I'm on Darkmoon Faire, it's RP even though I'm only there since people I know are there as well. Don't go that much into it.
I play on Sylvanas UK server, i Have a 70 Mage, 67 priest, 63 Hunter, 62 Rogue, and some assorted lowbies,
i'm on Demon Soul and have a 62 night elf rogue, 34 dwarf hunter, and 18 human warlock. used to be on another server but lost the account so had to restart. the alliance rules all.
Ahhh my two favorite things.. naked chicks and wow...
LVl 70 ud war.. 70 enh. sham.. 70 lock and soon a 70 rogue
what professions does everyone have? my main a an enchanter/tailor 375--biggest alliance enchanter on my server
I have'nt played WOW yet. But I do have a level 82 Necromancer in Diablo II.
WOW is kinda on again off again with me. All depends on my mood and if I feel like grinding out another level. That is why my most recent move to the Dark side. Most of my characters have been leveled with out instances. I just have a hard time finding quality players and creating a cohesive unit. Characters below have been listed in the order I created them.
Server: Norgannon
Chishan 62 Night Elf Rogue, Leatherworker/Skinner
Elkran 35 (currently in almost perpetual stasis) Night Elf Druid, Herbalist/Enchanter
Dirkari 29 Dwarf Rogue, Miner/Skinner
Azuul 28 Drani Priest Miner/Skinner (not sure what I want to do with him possibly Jewelcraft)
Kietaan 29 Blood Elf Rogue Miner/Blacksmith
Fearmi 18 Undead Mage Miner/Skinner
i'm suprised that there isn't more here
I used to have a level 70 NE Hunter and NE 70 Priest, gave them to a friend as I sold my old PC to get a laptop. I miss it soo much, best most addictive game I have ever played. I have so much time on my hands now though lol. For the Alliance!