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There will no longer be porn on WBW

Starter: DEMO Posted: 12 years ago Views: 6.6K
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Lvl 27
So it's not true, but what if it happened???

How many of you bros, and broettes would stick around?

Does anyone like this site for the forums other then the porn forums?

Why are you here?

What do you like?

What don't you like?

Talk to me you fuckers, if we don't know what is broken around here we don't know what to fix...

Now I know the VAST majority of you fuckers are nothing more then a bunch of lazy ass jerking your junk fools that won't post here, but damnit, the forums are dead, and without users like you all, any site will die a quiet and slow death and you'll have to find somewhere else to hang out...

So do us all a favor, take 2 minutes out of your busy day away from jerking your junk in your moms basement and post in here!!!
Lvl 28
I don't really come for the porn at all.

I download a lot of interracial porn and facial vids, but it's because I find them absolutely hilarious. "OMGs..this black cock is so black..I'm never going back!!!" also, trying to look sexy when getting your face smeared with cum.

Shit cracks me right the fuck up. But outside of that I couldn't care less. I haven't even been to a babe forum in foreves. Some dude just asked me to mod a couple pics of his girlfriend I took a few seconds before I could remember how to actually do that.

I would stick around if this site had no porn, but the fact we do is also cool. People dig boobies.

I'm here because I like to read what Lindros writes. There are a handful of other interesting members, but they rarely make threads. For example, I bet Ramsann lives an interesting life, because she's both hot and young..if she had a thread blogging her days with pics and shit..I would probably read it. Same with Dros...Same with anyone who was interesting. But nobody makes threads, and if they do, nobody posts.

I like comedy. I like funny threads, I like funny people..I like funny conversation. I like making people laugh, and I like laughing. Some days when Dros and I are on here, just throwing random pics back and forth, or the unlikely entire quadfecta shows up, shit rules.

I like butthurt members that break the rules, and start shit on the forums. Mr.Wood and Littlefishy for example. Shit was so hilarious I was checking this site like 15 times an hour.

I also like interesting threads. Sometimes I have little to add, like ABDs thread about gardening, but, like Notechs rural exploration thread and my Urban exploration threads..sometimes that shit is just cool.

I don't like how nobody feels bothered to reply to anything. Hundreds of people read threads...a handful replies. That's bullshit, if you like something say "dude, that was funny..thank you" because it means a lot when you spend your time making a thread.

I don't like how if a girl isnt naked she's immediately rated much lower.

I don't like you.
Lvl 28
When I saw the thread title on the homepage, I did a little "AWESOME" to myself. Before I opened it I was going to suggest you still have some kind of babe thing, but without the porn.

Probably a big chance to increase the advertising revenue, but since I know NOTHING about the finances of the joint, what's my opinion worth? Nadda!
Lvl 28
But if Honda leaves, I'm like - Adiosio-bro...
Lvl 19
MR. WOOD ? OMG....I don't know if I should laugh or cry at what happened with him.

So I'll take the high road and just remember all the laughs that he provided with those hairy portraits of his fat GF breaking the door hinges on his old car and in his 1970's garage.

Lvl 24
I kinda find facials and double-sided dildos (lesbians) kinda hot in a... mixed funny/hot kinda way.
That being said, I rarely ever check the porn here anymore. And when I do it's like "Please, pleease, pleeeeeeeeease be interesting..." 99% of porn is annoying.
It's all generally the Lounge and whatever sounds interesting on the /getnew.
Lvl 28
Originally posted by F1098

MR. WOOD ? OMG....I don't know if I should laugh or cry at what happened with him.

So I'll take the high road and just remember all the laughs that he provided with those hairy portraits of his fat GF breaking the door hinges on his old car and in his 1970's garage.

That's so mean
Lvl 28
The thing is, we all be hangin here for a long time. Shit get's old, ya know.

Looking at the roster, that's not true for most people that use the site. Would it spell D-E-A-T-H of WBW? I don't think so, but it would require a long transition time between dropping the poontang and seeing this an active site again. Number of unique visitors is what it's all about. There's a site by a long time member here that is just that... a coolio joint without the porn. It's kinda slow. Witty and fun many times, but slow. How many of those does the net need?
I don't know the numbers etc but I would have thought the porn was the main function of this site, judging by the home screen. Sure there are other forums but I think those are merely a spin-off by people who came here initially for the ladies. I come here for the porn, mainly to contribute though as opposed to throwing man-milk at my screen. I like to read other threads as long as they are either amusing and/or interesting - I just don't see THAT many of those - perhaps I just miss them, perhaps there just AREN'T many to begin with.
What I do see are a lot of word-based games that annoy the shit out of me. I mean, I understand some people must enjoy them as they keep going and going and going etc, it's just we live in a world of the Playstation/XBox, the internet is littered with gaming sites, there are still board games for Christ's sake - these must surely be all better alternatives to changing one letter of a 4 letter word? But, as I mentioned, some people obviously prefer that so it takes all sorts I guess. I even tried joining in to see if I could find out what the fuss was about, to see if it was like skydiving and you had to actually jump out of a plane to see what it was like. Sadly these games were not like jumping out of a plane.
There have been some game-type threads that have been good ideas. I remember one where you had to find a picture with a certain number in it - that was vaguely interesting until someone realised Lego had that market locked up and basically just rinsed their catalogue for photos. But at least the idea was a little different.
I think Lindros created a thread which was essentially a World Cup of women, where people voted in each head-to-head until there was a winner. Again, a basic idea but it took a bit of thought and effort to do I imagine, and that was enjoyable to see unfold.
I generally stick to the threads I create in the porn section, and I daresay there are a few people who are sick of those by now, but I still think without porn the site would lose a LOT of traffic.

Anyway, I'm off to think of ANY word in the English language beginning with an 'E'.

Good evening to you all.
Lvl 27
Thanks for the input jhope, I do appreciate your response
if i watch porn once in a blue moon... yeah, its not here. i really wouldnt care. i actually find myself trying to watch porn on here but i get grossed out before i actually am able to find something so i try to stay away from the porn part on here.

i like most of the guys on here. like honda was saying. some are really funny. which is why i come back here. and it is fun sometimes. but yeah. no threads. and when honda or el think of really good threads, they go to shit. (no offense to the boys). lol. because i think their threads are the best.

but yeah. totes a thread of my daily life with pictures throughout. fosho.
haha jk.
Lvl 11
i was going through...and i guess still kinda am going through a little bicurious phase, so not gonna lie i came here for the naked chicks... truth be told the more porn on here i looked at though i realized how much i missed a good boner and ive been on a straight streak the past few months.
Lvl 28
Originally posted by jen2412

i was going through...and i guess still kinda am going through a little bicurious phase, so not gonna lie i came here for the naked chicks... truth be told the more porn on here i looked at though i realized how much i missed a good boner and ive been on a straight streak the past few months.

You should PM Bangledesh, he's a moderator here and he probably has a glorious boner for you.

@Ramsann: I was mostly hoping for pics of you in leggings, for uhhh...leggings research. I'm a scientist you see, glasses and everything.

@Jhope1: It's funny you mentioned hating the word games, I did a whole thing on that earlier.
i sting like the rest of them no matter what i have to offer the porn is bland and so is that people trying to conversate with in them
Lvl 28
I used to randomly PM members and ask them if they would like an avatar, usually members who did not have any.

I thought it was a fun way to be nice, even to this day I'll see the odd new member or new posting member, and send them a PM and give them 10 credits or something, because I liked their post, or their screen name...just to try to get new members to kinda, come out.

The avy thing was fun for awhile, when they would be all "omgs thank you bro!" then over time about half the people either wouldn't put them up, or would be like "nah, I don't really care for that"...fair enough, but like, you could humor me, they're not super super easy to make.

I didn't like that, so I stopped doing it a long time ago.

I've noticed my PS skills are quite impressive, but my desire to make avatars very unimpressive.
Lvl 28
there's porn on wbw ????? i thought there was only cars !!!!
Lvl 28
Porn, cars...and dangerously awesome Bangles cock.
Originally posted by Honda_X


You should PM Bangledesh, he's a moderator here and he probably has a glorious boner for you.

but his boner is for me....
Originally posted by Honda_X

@Ramsann: I was mostly hoping for pics of you in leggings, for uhhh...leggings research. I'm a scientist you see, glasses and everything.

i love leggings. like i wear them too much. ill sext pics to you l8er.
Lvl 27
Hrmmm, a banglescock thread could prove quite Interesting ...
Lvl 28
So would a ramsann leggings thread. Homo.
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