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The Top Ten Movie Endings

Starter: z1 Posted: 15 years ago Views: 3.1K
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Lvl 26
Here we go:

10. The Blair witch project

Lvl 26
9. Back to the future 1985

Lvl 26
8. The Clockwork Orange 1974

Lvl 26
7. It's a wonderfull life 1946

Lvl 26
6. The Sixth Sense 1999

Lvl 26
5. The Empire Strikes Back 1980

Lvl 26
4. Raiders Of The Lost Ark 1981

Lvl 26
Getting closer to the top one...

3. The Usual Suspects 1995

Lvl 26
2. Memento 2000


(btw one of the best films ever....)
Lvl 26
And here we are....

1. The Shawshank Redemption 1993

Lvl 14
EXCELLENT POST, Man! Superb! Muchas gracias!
Lvl 6
usual suspects shoulda been No 1
Lvl 18
As I was going down the list I was waiting for Usual Suspects. If it wasn't there I was gonna give your thread a 1 and burn your house down. But there it is at #3. Also you got Shawshank Redemption. I would've put Shawshank #2 and Usual Suspects #1 just cause the ending of usual suspects actually blew me out of my seat. I was only slightly shocked by the Shawshank ending.

Memento sucked giant balls and shouldn't be on the list. lol And Star Wars? What? I can see liking the movies but the endings were all totally predictable and boring. It's just your typical "the hero wins" type of movie.

But even worse, what the hell is the Blair Witch doing on any top list? That movie was just a pile of SHIT from beginning to end. One of the worst movies ever made that somehow actually made money. I still say the only reason it made a nickel is because of all the rumors that it was a real documentary gone wrong and all the teenage kids believed that shit when they went to see it over and over again. I actually remember arguing with people over the fact that the movie is totally fiction, SO MANY people believed that was real footage at the time.
* This post has been modified : 15 years ago
Lvl 15
I'll disagree with Back to the Future, Memento, and Shawshank Redemption. The only good thing about The Blair Witch Project was the ending and it still gives me chills. I think the original Vanishing Point and Seven would be on my list.
Lvl 18
I didn't think of Seven. Seven should DEFINITELY be on the list. They just don't make movies like Usual Suspects and Seven anymore. Movies today fuckin SUCK!
there alot of good endings
Lvl 5
2nd for the original Vanishing Point, also Crazy Larry and Dirty Mary, ( or was it Dirty Larry ) , has one of the best surprise endings ever.
Lvl 7
Good list but id change a few titles if it where up to me.
Lvl 7
* This post has been modified : 15 years ago
Lvl 59
Seven needs to be on there, Usual Suspects should probably be number 1 and the list needs Arlington Road. Arlington Road kind of, um, was just bleh as a whole movie, but I loved the ending.
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