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The Taste Of Pussy

Starter: DWreck Posted: 19 years ago Views: 11.6K
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Lvl 40
Originally posted by DWreck

Whats up guy's, just had a random stupid idea for a thread so i up and did it . Do you cats like the taste of pussy? love it ? does it disgust you? I dont mind it..i wouldnt chew pussy flavored gum or anything like that..but if i got to bite the bullet and take one for the team i dont mind.

After 3 years, read my thoughts:

Could just be me, I just mostly post pics now! But we used to have a lot of banter and give and take amongst friends. OK maybe they weren't all friends but we had a heckuva time. I will be 28 in a couple of weeks, that is a lifetime on the web. Been here done that! Maybe I am getting to old for the site. Things change, I have changed.

This is a trip into the past as to how we used to do shit. No one was better than anyone else, some were just quicker and brighter. No one can ever beat JACK! That is my opinion.FeFe has always been great. Latino is still chasing the peckerheaded fuckaroo. Haven't seen ETV in ages, shit he may be here now, just not on my buddylist.

All I can tell you peeps is that if I have splinters in my ass you know who spanked me with the SPOON!
Lvl 40
Originally posted by kpstoner


are you sure you are at the right place???

he can't be!
Lvl 27
Originally posted by Rob3


After 3 years, read my thoughts:

Could just be me, I just mostly post pics now! But we used to have a lot of banter and give and take amongst friends. OK maybe they weren't all friends but we had a heckuva time. I will be 28 in a couple of weeks, that is a lifetime on the web. Been here done that! Maybe I am getting to old for the site. Things change, I have changed.

This is a trip into the past as to how we used to do shit. No one was better than anyone else, some were just quicker and brighter. No one can ever beat JACK! That is my opinion.FeFe has always been great. Latino is still chasing the peckerheaded fuckaroo. Haven't seen ETV in ages, shit he may be here now, just not on my buddylist.

All I can tell you peeps is that if I have splinters in my ass you know who spanked me with the SPOON!

hey buddy!!! don't leave me alone... we need you and your post's!
FYI: i'm such old... i've been her, done that, also... but it's still gr8!

btw, regarding the title: my last girlfriend tasted like oranges... been there, done that... licked her... i like fruits! **
Lvl 79
Nice fresh pussy, like nice fresh fish, has virtually no smell except for that of a fresh ocean breeze. If either smells bad or tastes bad, it is not fresh. If you have had a bad experience, change where you shop. Otherwise, enjoy two of life's great pleasures.
Lvl 16
Ive had ones that were so clean and nice, I could spend all day down there. Luckily my wife fits that catagory. Ive had bad ones aswell. Bottom line is, if it is clean pussy flavored gum, Im gonna carry it in my pocket and not share with anyone.
Lvl 8
I taste young,fresh pussy.I would lick it all the time.
Lvl 40
Originally posted by Muad-dib

hey buddy!!! don't leave me alone... we need you and your post's!
FYI: i'm such old... i've been her, done that, also... but it's still gr8!

btw, regarding the title: my last girlfriend tasted like oranges... been there, done that... licked her... i like fruits! **

Hey there Dune, haha nobody here knows the connection! I just have the blues right now. Not into posting at this time.
Lvl 12
don't care much for the idea of the gum favor, but i love the taste. i think everyone should tryit at least
once. man or women.
Lvl 40
Originally posted by Muad-dib

hey buddy!!! don't leave me alone... we need you and your post's!
FYI: i'm such old... i've been her, done that, also... but it's still gr8!

btw, regarding the title: my last girlfriend tasted like oranges... been there, done that... licked her... i like fruits! **

Damn, I sure love citrus!
I want gum
Lvl 15
love it love it love it...9 times out of 10 it rocks but there is always that one that will kill it lucky for me i havent found that one since i was 18
Lvl 11
Originally posted by Jaymz66

I taste young,fresh pussy.I would lick it all the time.


Lvl 28
Fuck yeah, delicious young pussy.
Lvl 59
Originally posted by Pabst



No. Pedro.

Lvl 10
FeFe kinda of wished you had locked the fucking thread when you were thinking about it.
* This post has been modified : 16 years ago
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