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The story behind a WBW pic!

Starter: pluto83 Posted: 13 years ago Views: 1.1K
Lvl 9
I don't know if this thread has been done before and if not it could be interesting. I'd love to hear the story behind a picture a user has uploaded, with a link to the picture. How did the photo shoot or the single photo take place, after a night out drinking, before work, is it your ex you wanted to take reveng on, did the girl know you uploaded the picture, is it a friend... Well you get the point!
Lvl 26
Moved to ---------> "The Lounge"
Originally posted by Punnani

Moved to ---------> "The Lounge"

Slacker. lol

I think this is an interesting thread, I just don't know how many people will be able or willing to contribute. A very small percentage of the uploaded pics are actually uploaded by the owner of the pic.
Lvl 20
Sorry. The only pic I ever uploaded that I actually took got rejected for being a fuzzy picture (I'm not a photographer).

She was hot though. It was just a shitty pic.
Lvl 24
I deleted all of my uploaded pics.
Or, rather, had someone else delete them. It was during one of the periods of time that I didn't have pic powers.
Lvl 28
Here is my process... --> search --> right-click --> save --> lurk a bit --> right-click --> save --> lurk some more --> right-click --> save
Originally posted by pluto83

I don't know if this thread has been done before and if not it could be interesting. I'd love to hear the story behind a picture a user has uploaded, with a link to the picture.

Well I uploaded a picture of my dawg on the internet once, does that count?

Lvl 15
Originally posted by Sugarpie

Slacker. lol

I think this is an interesting thread, I just don't know how many people will be able or willing to contribute. A very small percentage of the uploaded pics are actually uploaded by the owner of the pic.

Very small. But I'm sure a lot of us have looked at some pictures sometimes and thought "What the fuck!?"
That might not be a bad thread, in fact...

**Edited to remove porn pics** No Porn allowed in The Lounge Forum. If you want to do links to pics, thats fine.
Also, some of the girls were of questionable age.
* This post has been modified by [Deleted] : 13 years ago