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the photography thread

Starter: mikroe Posted: 17 years ago Views: 1.7K
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Lvl 14
i just got myself an old analogue yashica-cam and wanna do some photography. i was wondering if anyone here is into it? besides, i´m pretty new to this, so if there are any professionals around, feel free to give some advices about techniques, motives etc...
i´m going to the bretagne (france) for holiday soon, so thats where i´m gonna start, doing some landscape pictures and stuff.
what cameras do you use, do you prefer digital or analogue?
what photos do you like, landscape, portrait?
what equipment do you prefer?
btw, no, i´m not gonna take nude pics of my gf and post em here
* This post has been modified : 17 years ago
Lvl 9
I personally prefer digital, simply because you have alot of control over the exposier, shutter speed, and because its in a format ready to wack straight into photoshop for touching up, and you can get a massive memory card to store loads of shots on.

You mentioned you want to do landscape shots, might be worth going for a decent tripod.

(Im not a photographer but I work with allsorts of cameras)
* This post has been modified : 17 years ago
Lvl 14
yeah, i´ll borrow me a tripod for that. i want to do shots of the cliffs when the water runs in. i wanna do it with longer exposition times, so that the water gets fuzzy/blurred and looks like fog.
i´d love to have a digital reflex cam as well, but its too expensive.
* This post has been modified : 17 years ago
i love photography, i have an analogue and a digital camera. Both are cannons, not cause theyre the best...but cause they were the best that i could afford, and i was allready accustomed to their workings :P

i tend to like taking black & white photography with my analogue camera, taking pics of weird shapes in nature and man made structures, and people....but not portraits, but people doing things...if i got my scanner working, id post some....not great photgraphy, but amateur stuff i liked taking

with my digital, i tend to take shitloads of my son and also landscapes, love it when i go out camping and capturing the beautiful red sunsets out bush. Also just of family outings, for memories..
* This post has been modified : 17 years ago
Lvl 14
Originally posted by Latino

i love photography, i have an analogue and a digital camera. Both are cannons, not cause theyre the best...but cause they were the best that i could afford, and i was allready accustomed to their workings :P

i tend to like taking black & white photography with my analogue camera, taking pics of weird shapes in nature and man made structures, and people....but not portraits, but people doing things...if i got my scanner working, id post some....not great photgraphy, but amateur stuff i liked taking

with my digital, i tend to take shitloads of my son and also landscapes, love it when i go out camping and capturing the beautiful red sunsets out bush. Also just of family outings, for memories..

thats great, would be a good idea for a thread. i thought about this as well.
somehow i didnt expect you were into photography, i´m surprised
* This post has been modified : 17 years ago
im more than just a sex god mate

i did photgraphy in college as a major, and also did it for pleasure afterwards....i like the analogue ones more though, only cause i like the darkroom and all that jazz, makes for the whole experience :P

let me know when you make the thread
* This post has been modified : 17 years ago
Lvl 12
I love photography too. Not being wealthy....I didn't do TONS of it with the old SLR camera. Now that I have a digital it is my favorite art form. I just always look for interesting subject matter, angles, lighting, etc....women to, of course!!! And, as was mentioned, if you don't like it... just start over. Also I have used my home printer and taken the digital pictures in to the market to get prints. It's amazing how nice home printer pics come out. I have framed quite a few. My most recent experiment was with the black and white function and, also the sepia setting on the digital. Good times!!! Thanks for the thread. Have fun
* This post has been modified : 17 years ago
Lvl 14
^^ great new avi, btw...
yeah, bringing the film to the store everytime is expensive and takes lots of patience, so digicam and a good printer is better for that. but i´m glad i have a cam at all, so i´ll just have fun making thousands of photos during my holidays.
i´ve never realized how much work and effort is involved in making a good photo. but it´s pretty nice, cuz you can see how the knowledge of it increases from try to try, and it´s a good chalenge...
* This post has been modified : 17 years ago
i just take my film to a hire lab, do all the shit myself...develop the film, and process my pics myself too, for me thats all part of the experience and is about 50% of the joy/fun/experience for me
* This post has been modified : 17 years ago
Lvl 13
One of the things that sets pro's apart from hobbyists is the way the picture is taken. If you're shooting a picture of a horse don't stand 30 feet away and just snap a pic of the horse standing there, get up close to it and take an odd angle/or very intrusive shot. Getting into the subjects space and taking a very invasive picture often produces the most interesting results.

I often shoot bands playing shows and i get right up onstage and put my camera a few feet or even a few inches from the performers, placing the camera right over the drummers shoulder while he's playing, put the camera on the headstock of a guitar during a solo, at the bottom of the mic stand looking up the singer....things like this help to capture the intensity of the live performance as opposed to standing at the back of the club and just snapping pics of the stage
* This post has been modified : 17 years ago
@ devil - totally right, allthough im no pro, when i take pics of buildings/structures etc....i get right up and lean on them, getting weird angles to get the shape i like or effect that looks the strangest.

the band thing would be cool, youd get pics not many people could get....sounds awesome
* This post has been modified : 17 years ago
Lvl 14
yeah, thats what i was thinking. some friends of mine, who are into it and showed me some tricks, said, its all about the motive and the right angel. technique is good to make it better, but if you dont have the right sense for a good pic, it all wont help...
i#m not sure if i have, but i´ll figure it out soon. i´m so looking forward to the old cathedrals and medieval houses and villages in france... lots of good pics/motives waiting!
* This post has been modified : 17 years ago
Lvl 13
Originally posted by Latino

@ devil - totally right, allthough im no pro, when i take pics of buildings/structures etc....i get right up and lean on them, getting weird angles to get the shape i like or effect that looks the strangest.

the band thing would be cool, youd get pics not many people could get....sounds awesome

yea id like to take a photography course so i can learn all the little tricks and get a really good camera so i can make it a bit of a part time job, i work with hundreds of bands every year usually so if i even charged like $50 a show i could still make some decent cash doing it

My Step-Uncle is a pro-photographer he's had his stuff published in the Toronto Star(major newspaper here) Macleans(biggest canadian magazine) and National Geographic, so i could get some tips off him to
* This post has been modified : 17 years ago
Lvl 14
Originally posted by Devil6

@ devil - totally right, allthough im no pro, when i take pics of buildings/structures etc....i get right up and lean on them, getting weird angles to get the shape i like or effect that looks the strangest.

the band thing would be cool, youd get pics not many people could get....sounds awesome

yea id like to take a photography course so i can learn all the little tricks and get a really good camera so i can make it a bit of a part time job, i work with hundreds of bands every year usually so if i even charged like $50 a show i could still make some decent cash doing it

My Step-Uncle is a pro-photographer he's had his stuff published in the Toronto Star(major newspaper here) Macleans(biggest canadian magazine) and National Geographic, so i could get some tips off him to

that sounds pretty good, go for it, dude!
i also know many bands from round here, so i might be getting into that as well, once my skills are on a certain level. i think its more difficult, cuz there´s motion involved, aint it?
* This post has been modified : 17 years ago
@ mikro - yeah...those types of buildings are my favourtie
@ devil - sounds good man, sounds like hed be great help
* This post has been modified : 17 years ago
Lvl 13
Originally posted by mikrø

that sounds pretty good, go for it, dude!
i also know many bands from round here, so i might be getting into that as well, once my skills are on a certain level. i think its more difficult, cuz there´s motion involved, aint it?

yea it can be a real pain with the band moving around alot....if you wanna shoot bands and you're getting a digital cam DON'T get a cheap one, i tried shooting my friends band once and they had a cheap little digital cam not even half the pictures were usuable because the capture time on the thing was so fucking slow

I prefer analog cameras, i think they just take a better looking picture...but the ability to throw something into photoshop right away is what's nice about digitals.

Shooting live bands can be an absolute blast though cause you feel like you're part of the performance, moving around the stage with the band and getting right up against them really helps you to get more into the shoot i find as the performance goes on i start getting more and more creative(standing on tables or the bar to get a good shot, laying on the floor to get an upwards shot of the band, etc.)

all this talk of shooting makes me wanna go out and get a camera now, to bad im broke at the moment
* This post has been modified : 17 years ago
Lvl 11
Take that old camera and sell it. get a Canon 350D and go crazy, it is cheaper in the end because you dont have to buy film. I love taking photos of stuff. I shoot anything now a days and have even sold some of my work on photo sites. I makes it more fun.
* This post has been modified : 17 years ago
these are pics i took last year, only these 3 i had scanned, but it gives you some sort of idea of what i take. These are all taken with a Canon SLR camera, and film developed and pics processed by me, no private automatic labs, all excuse the amateurish :P

* This post has been modified : 17 years ago
Heres a couple I took
* This post has been modified : 2 years ago
that ice one is awesome!
* This post has been modified : 17 years ago
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