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The Chronicles of Bangles

Starter: EricLindros Posted: 14 years ago Views: 2.4K
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Lvl 59
So, for those of you who've been paying attention, you know that our head moderator in charge type person - Bangledesh - is away on a top secret mission, and without internet or phone or any of that jazz.

Well, he sent me some letters, and I figured I'd share them with people here who might care. I've take the time to redact some of the sensitive top-secrete information out, because we can't have that floating around comprimising his top-secret mission and all, but the innocuous stuff is cool, I guess.

I probably should have run this by him, but, well, he's not answering his texts, so I'm just gonna assume he'd be cool with it.

So here's the first letter. It came like a week+ ago, and it was written on this little tiny paper the size of a toilet paper square. I'm not sure if that's supposed to mean something, but it was neat.

* This post has been modified : 14 years ago
He was talking about me wasn't he?? In the parts you edited out. Oh I know it. Lol
Lvl 59
Settle down, missy. You're in the next one.
Lvl 59
Here's the first page of the second one.

It mentions some other WBW regulars. I've removed some of the details of his secret mission, as I don't want to give them away.

Lvl 22
He turned into a big blister?
Lvl 59
Originally posted by Sugarpie_the_sequel



Fine, instead of just leaving the secret parts blank, I'll play ad-libs with them.

Lvl 59
and the final installment of the 2nd letter:

It's odd, it seems as if, at times, he uses a totally different handwriting for no apparent reason.
Lvl 59
When I get around to writing him a response, I'll post that here too before I send it out. I mean, it's only fair that I post both sides of the convo.
You should have never posted these you know....because now I HAVE TO KNOW what the edited parts say. Lol
Lvl 22
You don't suppose that he'll have to do this too besides getting blown-up by C4 do you?

Perhaps, you never know what those crazy army types will do.
Lvl 59
Ok, so I've written a reply. As I was saying, Bangs' writings were on these tiny pieces of what I assume are self-destructing paper.

Well, I figure there's a good reason for this, even if I'm not privy to it, so I ought to respond likewise. And I have.

Here's the entirety of my reply, pictured on my dresser to give a perspective of how big it is.

Lvl 59

There are some inside jokes there, so if you don't get it, don't worry, it wasn't meant for you.

Next, I'll have to send it out tomorrow.

And then we play the waiting game.....


Lvl 37
Thanks for the news!

I plan to ***** on ********* and petition my congressman to give **** ***** special consideration.
The military loves when you do that.

As for the *** *** , everyone does it. Just like prison but in prison you have more rights and better food.
Good call writing it on TP, although you should have used the awesome saved for royalty 3 ply stuff. That way if he really did have to use it, it would be like a luxurious experience in a miserable place. Although the fancy TP might also start a riot amongst the guys and Bangs could get shot for real...its a tough call to make.
Lvl 18
Great thread! Hopefully, the waiting game doesn't end up turning into the crying game for Bangles...
Lvl 59
Well, the response is in the mail, so we'll see what happens.
Lvl 28
I also have received some mail from Bangles...everyone who he totally thinks is awesome has...

*looks at Kanzen*

Anyway, I'll just type mine, but since I don't have it...I'll have to do it tomorrow.

It's short and mostly just him asking about stuff, I haven't had time to type up a reply, but when I do I'll also contribute to this thread, with my awesomeness.
Lvl 22
Sure you will
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