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Spring Break competition - 2010

Starter: Diz-X Posted: 15 years ago Views: 60.0K
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Lvl 25
In our ongoing effort to give back to our members, and in light of the upcoming Spring Break season, we have decided to hold a WBW Spring Break Hot-Babe Contest, with TEN SPONSOR MEMBERSHIPS up for prizes!

The rules are as follows: Simply submit a picture of a hot girl on spring break for consideration in this thread, during the month of March, and you'll be eligible to win one of the sponsorships, including the grand prize, a 1 Year sponsorship and a WBW T-shirt. At the end of Spring Break, when all of the user submissions have been entered, a panel of WBW Moderators will choose the top 20 photos for consideration. These twenty pictures will be placed in a poll which you can then vote on!

The rules:
• One girl per picture. (The girl has to be the main focus of the picture; no group shots)
• The picture must be an amateur picture. It also must be original (no watermarks from any other sites).
• All submissions must be on No third-party web-hosts are allowed.
• Only 1 submission per user.
• Submissions will be accepted from March 8 to April 8.
• Vote will begin on 8 April and last until the end of spring break.

The top ten vote-getters will receive the following prizes:
1st Place: 1 year Sponsor Membership + WBW T-Shirt
2nd Place: 1/2 year Sponsor Membership + WBW T-Shirt
3rd Place: 3 months sponsor membership + WBW t-shirt
4th Place: 3 months sponsor membership
5th Place: 2 months sponsor membership
6th Place: 1 months sponsor membership
7th Place: 1 months sponsor membership
8th Place: 1 months sponsor membership
9th Place: 1 months sponsor membership
10th Place: 1 months sponsor membership
* This post has been modified : 14 years ago
Lvl 38
Very cool!!!

Cant wait for the submissions to start.
Lvl 30
This is gonna be a cool contest
Very cool, can't wait to see the submissions!
Which thread?
Lvl 25
Originally posted by slave4you91

Which thread?

Edited the text to reflect this thread
Then let me be the first to start off the festivities!
Lvl 11
Here's My Contribution!!, I Hope She Goes Well!!, Awesome Idea For A Comp!!, Genius Idea Diz!, We Should Have More Of These!!
Lvl 7
Great pic slave4you91
Lvl 25
Keep it coming mates
Lvl 7
Reeeeeeeeeeet, my submission

Lvl 18
ohh nice pic Nixste
Lvl 24
Originally posted by Nixste

Reeeeeeeeeeet, my submission

[ Link ]

Nice post.
Lvl 14
Very interresting, this is my submission... may the hottest chick win

Lvl 21
Originally posted by slave4you91

Then let me be the first to start off the festivities!
not to be an ass or anything but you should reread the rules of the contest
Lvl 9
* This post has been modified by Honda_X : 14 years ago
Lvl 9
my bad sorry for the pic
Lvl 21
All submissions must be on
Lvl 9
* This post has been modified by EricLindros : 15 years ago
Lvl 37
Originally posted by zippy9093

<a h[blacklisted]""><img src="" alt="" /></a>

You are using the HTML code. Copy and paste the forum code (BCC)

[URL] etc

Nevermind EL fixed it for you.
homemporto finds this awesome.
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