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Spring break 2010 Contest :: Let the voting begin

Starter: Diz-X Posted: 14 years ago Views: 4.1K
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Lvl 25

As promised here is the page with all the submissions of the springbreak 2010 contest. To select a winner we need your vote. Go to the contest page and select one picture you think should win the contest. Let the voting begin and may the best picture win.

Here is the page with all the submissions:

Voting will end on the 1th of May.
* This post has been modified : 14 years ago
Lvl 8
Damn the pic of the girl in the bikini contest is hot! (wink wink)
Lvl 22

With a 5 *****

Vote for mine
Lvl 24

C'mon that one chick!
Lvl 59
I'm totally voting for someone.
Lvl 15
Not to seem rude/asshole-ish/etc... but arent there a few pics that would be considered DQed due to not following the rules... just sayin... other that that... even though I entered a pic... I had to vote for another. Great pics in general... Good Luck people. ^_^
Lvl 25
Originally posted by Dub-Style

Not to seem rude/asshole-ish/etc... but arent there a few pics that would be considered DQed due to not following the rules... just sayin... other that that... even though I entered a pic... I had to vote for another. Great pics in general... Good Luck people. ^_^

Some pictures have been excluded as they did not follow the rules.
Lvl 37
Voted for the sexy looking girl !!
Lvl 25
vote vote vote bitches :P
Where's my delete button?!? Three quarters of those pics are reposts!

Lvl 7
Lvl 22
To save confusion over reposts I voted for mine....

(1 vote's better than none)

(and I only want a T-shirt)
Lvl 15
I voted
Lvl 25
Good good! 350+ votes made.

Send it to everybody you know!!
Originally posted by Diz-X

Send it to everybody you know!!

I mother said she wasn't going to vote and grounded me for a month.
Lvl 6
Lvl 14
Lvl 59
Hey, hey, it's the first of May!
Lvl 4
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