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Somewhat of a personal problem...

Starter: Ravana Posted: 18 years ago Views: 1.5K
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Lvl 11
Okay, well - I had sex for my first time Jan 2nd, and didn't manage to do you-know-what.

We had it pegged down to me just being nervous or somesuch.

Second time goes by, third, fourth, fifth...

Now 10 months later, I still having managed to.

Maybe it's because I masturbated for 5 years before ever having sex? I dunno. Maybe it's because I'm used to sitting on a chair that a bed doesn't "do it" for me?

Fuck, I even tried a FleshLight thing, didn't do a goddamn thing for me.

Yeah, I'm bummed, and slightly stumped for idea's.
* This post has been modified : 18 years ago
Lvl 20
If you get it up when you masturbate but not with the girl then one might ask if you're really ready for it. Pressure can do that to you.
* This post has been modified : 18 years ago
Lvl 12
Originally posted by Ravana

Okay, well - I had sex for my first time Jan 2nd, and didn't manage to do you-know-what.

We had it pegged down to me just being nervous or somesuch.

Second time goes by, third, fourth, fifth...

Now 10 months later, I still having managed to.

Maybe it's because I masturbated for 5 years before ever having sex? I dunno. Maybe it's because I'm used to sitting on a chair that a bed doesn't "do it" for me?

Fuck, I even tried a FleshLight thing, didn't do a goddamn thing for me.

Yeah, I'm bummed, and slightly stumped for idea's.

Its purely a mental thing, and talking about it on here isnt gonna help.
You need to see your doctor who will refer you to the correct specialist, its got nothing to do with how much you and where you wanked before, its purely a mental anxioty thing!
Relax, and talk to a doctor about it!
(im not a doctor and have never suffered from that problem, but i guess thats what it is!)
* This post has been modified : 18 years ago
Lvl 25
you don't need to see a doctor. You need a regular girlfriend who is understanding.

It will come, if you pardon the pun. Just relax and try other stimulation other than full penetrative sex.

It might be frustrating now, but you'll learn to relax and it will be fine
* This post has been modified : 18 years ago
Lvl 18
yeah mate... my first time when i was 16 it was my very 1st orgasm too... i lasted well lets just say i was gone in 60 seconds...
* This post has been modified : 18 years ago
Lvl 6
dont worry, it happens to a lot of people-male and female. like the guy above said, you just need a supporting girlfriend that doesnt judge you or take the piss in order for you to get your confidence and self-esteem up, give it enough time and patient and it wil happen. if you're impatient you put too much pressure on your self. so, be calm.
* This post has been modified : 18 years ago
Lvl 14
just relax and give it time dude...
* This post has been modified : 18 years ago
Lvl 9
I'd say consider yourself lucky the problem isn't reversed. Are you using condoms? If so, try the extra thin variety.
* This post has been modified : 18 years ago
Lvl 3
stop crankin it and dont get off for about a week, then see what happens, look at a little porn but dont beat it, then hit that shit
* This post has been modified : 18 years ago
Lvl 28
Originally posted by reelfun

stop crankin it and dont get off for about a week, then see what happens, look at a little porn but dont beat it, then hit that shit

For someone who cranks is as much as he apparently does, that can be dangerous...sorta.

I did that one time, no sex, no wanking, and lets just say, by the end of that week, you're not wanking because it feels good, but because your nuts are the size of golf balls, and as blue as a smurf. It also hurts to walk towards the last couple of days.
* This post has been modified : 18 years ago
Lvl 10
Take 2 Viagra and wait one will never go down
* This post has been modified : 18 years ago
Lvl 20
Originally posted by dougcampbell

Take 2 Viagra and wait one will never go down

Question is if he feels well enough to use it. Two viagra could be too much for anyones heart.
* This post has been modified : 18 years ago
Lvl 29
Originally posted by Vesuvius

Take 2 Viagra and wait one will never go down

Question is if he feels well enough to use it. Two viagra could be too much for anyones heart.

What I get out of this is that he has no problem getting a bone. He just can't splooge at the end.
* This post has been modified : 18 years ago
Lvl 15
So, please clarify, the 'you know what'

If you didn't cum, sometimes it takes awhile, don't wack one off for a couple days before sex. Usually first timers cum immediatly and don't satisfy their partner... so if your not cumming, look at it this way, you have more time to work on your girl and see how best and second best and third best (etc) to please her.

If your not getting hard their are many cause's, all of them mental (if you can wack one off that is)... this doesn't mean your crazy or that anythings wrong with you.

So, If your not getting hard, consider... your not attracted to your girlsfriend
She's not mentally or physically compatable (it happens)
your not mentally or physically compatable

Not being mean at all, consider that you might be homosexual and live in an American community that has u brain washed to think your not or that it's evil, or that you should just be attracted to women...
This could be why you can wack one but can't get hard for her...

If your totally sure your not gay, and that you are attracted to your girlfriend, there is only one other explination for your problem... you've had something in your past that has kept you from developing into a sexually mature adult. (again, i'm not calling you crazy, this happens to alot of individuals) Prefering masterbation over sex may mean that you were abused physically, mentally, or sexually when you were prepubertal, or just starting puberty... (5 yrs of age to 12) This means, you may have had to much or to little contact by your parents (most likely), had your parents mind fucking you, or had a sexual experience that you don't consider your first time, during that period, but which was... You may want to get some support if this is the issue.

There are many physical reasons why one may not achieve an erection, but that would mean you couldn't masterbate, so this problem can be easily broken down to one of the following...

1) Your Girlfriend is ugly
2) Your Gay
3) You suffered from abuse

Feel free to IM me, I work in reproduction, if I don't know how to solve your problem, I will know at least one person, out of many, who does...
* This post has been modified : 18 years ago
Lvl 12
this is the funniest thing I've read in a while
* This post has been modified : 18 years ago
Lvl 14
exact same problem here my friend, just persevere and the moment of glory will arrive, I find it very difficult to achieve the "grand finale" with girls, and although i can sometimes manage it with my gf of over 2 years i still find it difficult, thats even with no condom.

my advicve would be to keep goin with the DIY and persevere, good things come to those who wait.
* This post has been modified : 18 years ago
Lvl 20
You don't need a doctor - just enjoy things and let her cum. Sooner or later you'll get into it so that you can too.

Nothing to worry about.
* This post has been modified : 18 years ago
Lvl 12
Originally posted by BigBadsofty

So, please clarify, the 'you know what'

If you didn't cum, sometimes it takes awhile, don't wack one off for a couple days before sex. Usually first timers cum immediatly and don't satisfy their partner... so if your not cumming, look at it this way, you have more time to work on your girl and see how best and second best and third best (etc) to please her.

If your not getting hard their are many cause's, all of them mental (if you can wack one off that is)... this doesn't mean your crazy or that anythings wrong with you.

So, If your not getting hard, consider... your not attracted to your girlsfriend
She's not mentally or physically compatable (it happens)
your not mentally or physically compatable

Not being mean at all, consider that you might be homosexual and live in an American community that has u brain washed to think your not or that it's evil, or that you should just be attracted to women...
This could be why you can wack one but can't get hard for her...

If your totally sure your not gay, and that you are attracted to your girlfriend, there is only one other explination for your problem... you've had something in your past that has kept you from developing into a sexually mature adult. (again, i'm not calling you crazy, this happens to alot of individuals) Prefering masterbation over sex may mean that you were abused physically, mentally, or sexually when you were prepubertal, or just starting puberty... (5 yrs of age to 12) This means, you may have had to much or to little contact by your parents (most likely), had your parents mind fucking you, or had a sexual experience that you don't consider your first time, during that period, but which was... You may want to get some support if this is the issue.

There are many physical reasons why one may not achieve an erection, but that would mean you couldn't masterbate, so this problem can be easily broken down to one of the following...

1) Your Girlfriend is ugly
2) Your Gay
3) You suffered from abuse

Feel free to IM me, I work in reproduction, if I don't know how to solve your problem, I will know at least one person, out of many, who does...

Wow.. this is why I would seriously not advise anyone going on a porn forum looking for help on health/sex related issues... you get wackjobs like this, and frighteningly a chunk of the readers will believe this drivel.
* This post has been modified : 18 years ago
Lvl 15
Originally posted by Vagrant

So, please clarify, the 'you know what'

If you didn't cum, sometimes it takes awhile, don't wack one off for a couple days before sex. Usually first timers cum immediatly and don't satisfy their partner... so if your not cumming, look at it this way, you have more time to work on your girl and see how best and second best and third best (etc) to please her.

If your not getting hard their are many cause's, all of them mental (if you can wack one off that is)... this doesn't mean your crazy or that anythings wrong with you.

So, If your not getting hard, consider... your not attracted to your girlsfriend
She's not mentally or physically compatable (it happens)
your not mentally or physically compatable

Not being mean at all, consider that you might be homosexual and live in an American community that has u brain washed to think your not or that it's evil, or that you should just be attracted to women...
This could be why you can wack one but can't get hard for her...

If your totally sure your not gay, and that you are attracted to your girlfriend, there is only one other explination for your problem... you've had something in your past that has kept you from developing into a sexually mature adult. (again, i'm not calling you crazy, this happens to alot of individuals) Prefering masterbation over sex may mean that you were abused physically, mentally, or sexually when you were prepubertal, or just starting puberty... (5 yrs of age to 12) This means, you may have had to much or to little contact by your parents (most likely), had your parents mind fucking you, or had a sexual experience that you don't consider your first time, during that period, but which was... You may want to get some support if this is the issue.

There are many physical reasons why one may not achieve an erection, but that would mean you couldn't masterbate, so this problem can be easily broken down to one of the following...

1) Your Girlfriend is ugly
2) Your Gay
3) You suffered from abuse

Feel free to IM me, I work in reproduction, if I don't know how to solve your problem, I will know at least one person, out of many, who does...

Wow.. this is why I would seriously not advise anyone going on a porn forum looking for help on health/sex related issues... you get wackjobs like this, and frighteningly a chunk of the readers will believe this drivel.

hey, Please erase this or shut the #@$% up, this is not a porn forum, this is the lounge... This is what most specialist would say to the issue which is common... If your looking for a porn forum... leave the lounge...
* This post has been modified : 18 years ago
Lvl 8
Why dont you and your girlfriend try having a couple of beers, just a couple to relax you both, dont even get tipsy, the beer will take the edge off for both of you and will help you to become more ambitious and ready to explore each other. What you are feeling is also what your girlfriend is experiencing too, so its not all down to you so work together.
* This post has been modified : 18 years ago
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