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Starter: ballboy99 Posted: 11 years ago Views: 4.4K
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Lvl 4
I have been married for years now and I love my wife, and have dropped every hint I can think of to get her to groom "down there" a little better (or even at all). I don't even really need the completely shaved thing, although I wouldn't mind it for a change, but just some maintenance would be nice. I've probably got the last wife on the planet with full on 70 bush. Any suggestions on talking women into better grooming habits?
Lvl 71
Why trying to give hints when you can directly ask her ? She's your wife so you should be able to communicate about anything without restrictions...
Just keep in mind that it's her body so you can't force her to do it if she doesn't want to.
DEMO, EricLindros find this awesome.
Lvl 14
how about just asking her to shave it? Maybe she doesn't know you prefer it another way.
budokan finds this awesome.
Lvl 15
Omuh......good call. You should just be direct and ask. and I mean ask. TALK to her.
DEMO finds this awesome.
Lvl 14
well how bad is it? I think we need a picture to get a better idea on how to approach this....
Lvl 32
replace her razor with a gas powered weed wacker
Texlab finds this awesome.
Lvl 16
Offer to do it for her. Worked for me to get it done
DEMO, pimprandymack find this awesome.
Lvl 60
I'm going to assume being direct just isn't really an option for whatever reason. Worried about her reaction, she doesn't take well to something that could be perceived as criticism or whatever.

If you can't just come right out and ask her to shave or trim, you could ask her if she's ever thought of shaving, which could get the dialogue started.

Or you could go even more passive aggressive and trim your own pubes.
Lvl 27
Talking is the number one way of resolving anything....
F1098 finds this awesome.
Lvl 21
bondage games
Ask her...thats it.

The only other option I'd consider is you shaving yourself first and then showing off your new hairstyle.
F1098 finds this awesome.
Lvl 59
Burn it off in her sleep.

Or if you don't have gasoline or a blowtorch handy, you could just "accidentally" spill a whole lot of wax on her pubes one day.
Lvl 71
Originally posted by EricLindros
Burn it off in her sleep.

Or if you don't have gasoline or a blowtorch handy, you could just "accidentally" spill a whole lot of wax on her pubes one day.

Better watch for your own pubes or hairs the day after that then
Lvl 60
Originally posted by EricLindros
Burn it off in her sleep.

Or if you don't have gasoline or a blowtorch handy, you could just "accidentally" spill a whole lot of wax on her pubes one day.

Or just shave them with your teeth.

Or perhaps you could floss with her pubes next time you're down there. If my lady did that to me, I'd be trimming them in a hurry.
Lvl 4
She knows that's they way I'd prefer it. She has done it before in the past, but says it itches, and she is too lazy to do it often enough to keep it from itching. As far as shaving mine goes I keep mine trimmed but not shaved because I like it that way and she just says she doesn't want me to shave it all off. Anyway, my point is she knows, how I like it and doesn't care, and I was just looking for suggestions in how to convince her to do it for me every now and then.
Lvl 59
You could always slip chemotherapy medicine into her cornflakes at breakfast.
Lvl 14
if she knows you like it that way and doesnt care, you have bigger problems to worry about....
F1098 finds this awesome.
Buy her a trimmer... it also vibrates... do the math
F1098 finds this awesome.
Lvl 3
Originally posted by DoubleDee
Buy her a trimmer... it also vibrates... do the math

Its that time of the year soon, when you are supposed to give each other presents.
Wrap a very nice kit of underwear with a trimmer and make sure that the pants have a very narrow front such that she has to trim .
Lvl 28
If it itches it will annoy her and probably make her be in a bad mood. So what do you rather want? Sex or a trimmed bush?
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