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Serious Medical Question.

Starter: Honda_X Posted: 16 years ago Views: 2.0K
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get your things in order man...
and send me all your canadian $$$
Lvl 10
Honda, Did it occur to you that passing out for a few minutes and chest pain may have more than a minor thing should have gone to an emergency room. But since your dumbass didn't, at least you're doing the next best thing going to a doctor. If it happens again ( let's hope not ) go to the emergency room. Chest pain gets priority in the ER. Hawkeye might be right but why take a chance?
Lvl 27
Simple, when you get up in the middle of the night and you are to tired to stand up to pee, sit down, but never tighten your scarf up around your neck and throw the other end around the shower curtain rod and hold onto it, that cuts off your air supply, are you that stupid that you need to be told that...(hang)
Here is my wife with her thoughts (she's finishing her master's in nursing)...

"It is so hard to say since syncope or "passing out" can have a variety of causes, anything from dehydration to a vasovagal episode to a cardiac arrhythmia. Since I can't get a thorough history from you, I am going to rely on a few things you did say:The fact that you have a heart history and the sensation that your heart nearly stopped beating. That would cause me to focus on a cardiac origin. Since you have a heart history, I assume you have a cardiologist. I would call the cardiologist on call today and see what they want you to do. If it does happen again, I would go straight to the emergency room. Many of the patients we see with a syncopal episode and a cardiac history, get admitted for a cardiac workup. I would be interested in hearing what you end up doing and what happens.- Dag's wife"

Now pm me your credit card number so we can bill you accordingly. Seriously, it could be anything. I feel weird right before I have a seizure and pass out. I have a friend who had a aneurysm building up and passed out for no reason. So go get checked out.
Lvl 5
joke all you want....I woke up at 3:20 am October 13th 2006....had a pee....and a heart attack....ended up having a quad bypass....not bad for 47 yrs old.....had no problems at all up till warning at all!!!!! go to doc....get a stress test!!!!!
Been nice knowing ya, Honda.
Lvl 11
Sorry Honda, I only have two business doctorates and one in theology. No medical expertice here. I specialize in attitude & behavioral encouragement & spiritual healing... Good luck in your follow-up & discovery, we are praying for you!
Lvl 17
Honda, don't fuck around dude, see a doctor...
Lvl 59
I go poo-poo in the potty from my bum-bum
Lvl 19
Originally posted by EricLindros

I go poo-poo in the potty from my bum-bum

I agree
Lvl 29
True Story: For about three weeks I endured some slight chest pain along my left side, yeah I know...
Anyway I go to work one night and about an hour or so into my shift I suddenly can hardly breath, my left arm is sort of numb, and my chest feels like a battallion of midgets are dancing on it with spiked shoes.
A guy at work runs me to the med check place around the corner, they take me right in because of my symptoms. Run EKG all that good heart stuff and it all looks dandy. The doc decides to order and X-Ray and comes back about 20 minutes or so later and tells me that an ambulance is on the way and that I have a collapsed lung (Sponataneous Pneumo Thorax- not sure if I spelled it right or not) Can you say chest tube?. GO TO THE DOCTOR DUDE!!
Lvl 28
I went to the hospital and they ran some tests and said I was fine, and that everything is perfect. I made an appointment with my cardiologist just to be sure, I'll get back to this thread when I find out.

But I'm still alive, so the lulz lives on.
Lvl 25
Originally posted by Honda_X

I went to the hospital and they ran some tests and said I was fine, and that everything is perfect. I made an appointment with my cardiologist just to be sure, I'll get back to this thread when I find out.

But I'm still alive, so the lulz lives on.

shame, I wanted our first wbw virtual funeral.

Oh, can I have your games if you die ?
Lvl 59
Oh, can I have your car if you die ?
Lvl 14
sounds like micturition syncope
Lvl 24
Dude you're ass can't die.

Who the hell would fill in for the Trifecta of Awesome?

Demo? RD? the other RD? the third RD? HBF?

Yeah, I'd accept HBF. But she needs to be online more often....
Lvl 59
Originally posted by Bangledesh

Dude you're ass can't die.

Who the hell would fill in for the Trifecta of Awesome?

Demo? RD? the other RD? the third RD? HBF?

Yeah, I'd accept HBF. But she needs to be online more often....

She is.

Just not here.

I've said too much.

And taken my weener out.

Lvl 28
Originally posted by TickLes

Oh, can I have your games if you die ?


Originally posted by EricLindros

Oh, can I have your car if you die ?

No, your Audi suits you with all the AWD you have, you might not be able to handle as much power as my car puts to the rear wheels...last thing I want is to give my car to some dude, and then have to haunt the living fucking shit out of them for spinning it into a god damn tree.

Bah, never mind..sure. You might die, and then the majority of the trifecta can lulz up heaven.
Lvl 59
Originally posted by Honda_X

Bah, never mind..sure. You might die, and then the majority of the trifecta can lulz up heaven.


We'll show them how a awesome a Holy Trinity can really be.
Lvl 28
Originally posted by Bangledesh

Dude you're ass can't die.

Who the hell would fill in for the Trifecta of Awesome?

Demo? RD? the other RD? the third RD? HBF?

Yeah, I'd accept HBF. But she needs to be online more often....

Originally posted by EricLindros


She is.

Just not here.

I've said too much.

And taken my weener out.


God damnit, I'm that easy to replace? All it takes are some extreme tits and ass?

Yeah, I'd totally let her in to...

We need to make this a quad of some sort.

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