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Serious Medical Question.

Starter: Honda_X Posted: 16 years ago Views: 2.0K
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Lvl 28

Has this happened to you before?

  • Lulz, Honda is going to die.

    42.11% (24)

  • No.

    35.09% (20)

  • Yes.

    22.81% (13)

Votes: 57

I shouldn't really put "serious" in the title, or people will just think I'm fucking around, but I had a bit of a problem last night, and I was wondering if one of you fine gentlemen..or wimmiz..could help me.

Anyway, I woke up last night around 4am to take a piss...and I walked calmly to the washroom and started peeing...and I got this weird rush like my heart had almost stopped beating, like when you stand up super fast sometimes when you're really tired..and I grabbed a towel rack, and then I passed out for a good few minutes. I woke up in my bathtub, luckily I had finished pissing, waking up covered in piss would have been super uncool, but the whole situation had kinda freaked me out. Now being as young as I am it's really freaking me out..considering I've had problems with my heart before...mostly with irregular heart beating...moreso extremely rapidly rather than slowly.

I don't know what to do, I don't wanna go stand around the hospital for a few hours for nothing, but I don't wanna passout while driving and crash my extremely sweet, wickedly sexy car. Any shit like this ever happened to any of you? Or should I get my affairs in order?
Lvl 10
I had a similar issue the other day. I didn't pass out but it did bring me to my knee for a second. History of blood pressure issues in your family?
Lvl 28
Nope..even my blood pressure is always perfect whenever I check it.
Lvl 10
Heart Disease?
Take a Tylenol or visit the doc !!!
Lvl 7
If you go to the hospital with that kind of symptom you will not stand around for long.
Lvl 6
Damn!! Get to the doctor! Nothing like this has ever happened to me before....but considering your past history, I think you should take this more seriously than you seem to be....and by the way, there are MEDICAL blogs and forums that might help you more than WBW!!
Lvl 7
Sounds like you may have had a vaso-vagal reaction. The vagus nerve misfires and causes a reaction and makes you dizzy, fst heart beat, and you black out. Often happens when your blood sugar gets low, or when you have to push hard when taking a dump or when you force your urine stream hard. It's a common reaction that can occur. When you wake up too early in the morning like that, your body sometimes can cause a big adrenaline release, which can trigger this. If you already have an irregular heart beat, it would not take long for a vaso-vagal reaction to cause you to pass out. No need to 'get your affairs in order," but you might want to call your primary physician or your cardiologist to make sure nothing has changed with your since you say you've have an irregular heart beat in the past.

I'm a clinical pharmacist, if you want my 'qualifications'...
Lvl 28
Originally posted by RubbrDucky

Heart Disease?

In my family? Nope...everyones pretty damn good heart wise..
Lvl 11
Get to a cardiologist mucho pronto!!!
Lvl 28
Originally posted by hawkeyerph

Sounds like you may have had a vaso-vagal reaction. The vagus nerve misfires and causes a reaction and makes you dizzy, fst heart beat, and you black out. Often happens when your blood sugar gets low, or when you have to push hard when taking a dump or when you force your urine stream hard. It's a common reaction that can occur. When you wake up too early in the morning like that, your body sometimes can cause a big adrenaline release, which can trigger this. If you already have an irregular heart beat, it would not take long for a vaso-vagal reaction to cause you to pass out. No need to 'get your affairs in order," but you might want to call your primary physician or your cardiologist to make sure nothing has changed with your since you say you've have an irregular heart beat in the past.

I'm a clinical pharmacist, if you want my 'qualifications'...

Thanks man...I'm glad to know I'm not going to kick it anytime soon..I think I will make an appointment with my doctor, just to make sure things are all good.
Lvl 28
Originally posted by robodick

Get to a cardiologist mucho pronto!!!

Really? No medical advice or possibilities of what you think could be causing this, doc?

Lvl 19
When you woke up in the bathtub was it full of ice? And are you sure you had all your organs?
Lvl 7
Can I have your car?
Lvl 24
Originally posted by hawkeyerph

I'm a clinical pharmacist, if you want my 'qualifications'...

youre a pharmacist?! call me
probably just a minor stroke, nothing serious
Lvl 7
Sometimes when I need to go really bad, it feels kinda orgasmic when I finally pee....
Lvl 7
Originally posted by FeFeHumHum


youre a pharmacist?! call me

You don't want my drugs. I'm a specialist in oncology pharmacy (i.e cancer chemotherapy). Unless, of course, you like to puke and lose your hair...
Lvl 24
Originally posted by hawkeyerph


You don't want my drugs. I'm a specialist in oncology pharmacy (i.e cancer chemotherapy). Unless, of course, you like to puke and lose your hair...

well, that sounds about like my luck anyways :P
Lvl 13
seriously dude... It actually could be a multitude of things ... from arrythmia to, as hawkeye said, nerve.

Have you changed anything in your daily routine? Diet, exercise, sleep, drinking, etc??
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