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Request An Avatar from the Artist's at WBW

Starter: Jujubeez Posted: 17 years ago Views: 5.1K
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Lvl 27
Tequila, i figured i'd play around with that pic also just for shits and giggles

Lvl 13
@j.a.w.s thanks you are the master of the avy

@demonicmale not bad for playing around my friend it looks great i hope the pic was not to much trouble to work with
Lvl 5
Anyone get a wild hair up the tookus...can make me one. And I would be most appreciative. Not THAT appreciative...You know who you are, FREAK!! No, not the member named Freak, just anyone that thinks like that.

Mostly I like Ninja ZX-10R since I have owned 2 of them (89& 04), and computers since I build my own. My current avatar is just a pic I found on the web and used paint to size it down to member avatar. WOOT WOOT...Paint FTW!! !!

Anything at all would probably be better then what I currently have.
Lvl 13
you missed up now thay are going to have to do a bang up job now
Lvl 13
this just poped up i like her to if you got time

look at them thigh bones mmmm mmmm
Lvl 44
Originally posted by tequila64

this just poped up i like her to if you got time

look at them thigh bones mmmm mmmm

Well I tried to resize it for you but it made it so small and ugly, but I was messing around and figured I would try my hand @ playing around, so if you like it... all you need is to have it resized, it's pretty simple and I suck @ this so if you hate it, it won't offend me.

No WBW Tag:
Lvl 13
let me put it up and see
Lvl 44
Originally posted by tequila64

let me put it up and see

It needs to be resized lol it's a huge picture

NVM, I did it

I will see what else I can do
Lvl 13
ok ineed to resize it
Lvl 13
not bad this girl got some killer legs
Lvl 44
Originally posted by tequila64

not bad this girl got some killer legs

Heres another one, this one won't let me resize it like i want to Jasper may be able to resize it for you.

Lvl 15
Originally posted by nuprules

i want one that has spiderman and nemo kissing.

ok here is the one you can use as an avi, and one bigger so you can see what is going on.

Lvl 15
and here is the full size image just because...
Lvl 15
and this is because i thought it was a creepy nemo kissing spiderman kind of way.
Lvl 17
I would LOVE a new one... some hot skinny girl with big breasts?
Lvl 15
ok here it is, similar animation as the one you have now, but a little better looking i think.
Lvl 7
I need one(would like one) if anyone is up to the challenge! I don't have a pic, but you can use whatever pics you can find. I'm a firefighter and would like one that deals with firefighting. Something catchy, like a firetruck, flames.... not necessarily together. Let your own creativity be the limit(and my max allowable size). If it could be done, it would be greatly appreciated!! Thanks!!
* This post has been modified : 17 years ago
Lvl 44
Originally posted by jasper54

ok here it is, similar animation as the one you have now, but a little better looking i think.

Thanks! anytime you want... I would love to see more!

You do wonderful work
Lvl 9
There all pretty good I was tryin to make my own but struggling, If uve got the time I could do with an avatar, with a pic of a tidy bird in the scottish international home football strip that would be much appreciated.
Cheers Daniel
Lvl 15

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