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Request An Avatar from the Artist's at WBW

Starter: Jujubeez Posted: 17 years ago Views: 5.1K
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Lvl 17
Thanks Jasper, you even caught on that I play cards
Lvl 44
Thanks, they look great but for some reason it is saying that they are to big for me to upload as avatars?
Maybe the size is to big ? Try convert the file format ?
Lvl 44
Originally posted by DevilHair[DK
Maybe the size is to big ? Try convert the file format ?

I don't know how to do any of that stuff... they are all around 49,000kb or a little more...
Do you have AcdSee ?
Lvl 44
Originally posted by DevilHair[DK
Do you have AcdSee ?

I don't see the problem Bangledesh's is 100x259 (34310kb) these aren't much bigger then his

Oh; this is why: (For Sponsor Members this is 35840 bytes)
Is it the same size ? Then i dont know the problem.
I just had the same problem once, and i converted the file format and it was okay.
Is it with big JPEG letters or small?
Bangie can cause he is Crew perhaps ?
Lvl 44
Originally posted by DevilHair[DK
Is it the same size ? Then i dont know the problem.
I just had the same problem once, and i converted the file format and it was okay.
Is it with big JPEG letters or small?

Those vary from 46000 bytes to 50000 bytes (max is 35840 bytes doe sponsors)
Then use a program to make it a bit smaller ?
Lvl 44
Originally posted by DevilHair[DK
Then use a program to make it a bit smaller ?

I have no programs that can do that... and if I did... I am not smart when it comes to photo editing programs thats why I deleted my PS and GIMP
You can download a program called ACDsee.
Then you open your picture inside it.
Right click and say resize.
Then you can choose the size.
Otherwise i can help you when i get home tonight ?
Lvl 44
Originally posted by DevilHair[DK
You can download a program called ACDsee.
Then you open your picture inside it.
Right click and say resize.
Then you can choose the size.
Otherwise i can help you when i get home tonight ?

looking for the program now, if I can find it I will try it out.
Cool. Its a really easy program that can do alot of stuff.
Also rename all of them and auto name with numbers and so on.
And can convert the file formats.
Lvl 14
i want one that has spiderman and nemo kissing.
From FIND Nemo ?
Lvl 15
Originally posted by ObsoleteRealism

Thanks, they look great but for some reason it is saying that they are to big for me to upload as avatars?

will work on them when i get home.
Lvl 27
For Phro68, sorry i don't give people more options, i'm not that good at them

But here ya go

Lvl 13
Hey, Demo. You're getting pretty good at the PS thing. Good stuff.
Lvl 27
Thanks NG, i just play around with it a bit
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