>> this is not a commercial post/add ! << >> this is a really sneaking
this is a solution for some guys, to help getting deleted pictures back !
sometimes it happens, the best cum pictures always deleted by my girlfriend .... but now WE STRIKE BACK and WILL POST THEM
...get the self and naked/fuck pics of you're sister and girlfriends or neighbours/friends recovered from the digital camera memory flash card
even there are many guys on this planet and there got no idea how to get pictures (naked/self/fuck) from there girlfriend, neighbour, friends or someone else. cause they deleted everything from the memory flash card after they have downloaded/burned/memorised the pictures.
if you got deleted pictures on a memory flah card, take a software programm and recover them! easy to use and fantastic results
a recover prog for digital cameras is needed or for memory cards/memory flash cards!
you will find them on every search engine...even the first post was deleted..use a freeware...you will find them easy!
so here are three ideas, how to get pictures!:
you're girlfriend do not want, that you take pictures of her...make them with her together! yes, together!
tell her you would like to do the pictures to watch it after the fuck, or just to take a look how "we look like naked" or "how it looks doin' a fuck/blowjob or lick'"
>>important, to tell "her" that "she" could delete the pictures afterwards by herown!!<<
this works great ! belive me!!
take memory cards, which are around you, "sister, friends...mom's" and recover the deleted pictures from the memory flash cards. it works...and sometimes there are surprises on it...
borrow you're digital camera out to you're girlfriend or friends... and recover the pictures from the memory flash cards! fun, too !!
action now !!! it is the only thing i can tell you....
i will post my own
* This post has been modified
: 19 years ago