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Re-writting the Bible...?

Starter: Strichnine Posted: 17 years ago Views: 150
Lvl 10
I wanted to think of a compelling name for this thread cause I wanted people's opinion of this. A buddy of mine thinks that it is a sin to drink alcohol. I have no problem with that, but it is the belief of him and his whole church. Kinda wierd, but i still have no problem with it. I asked him " Hey why no alcohol, didnt Jesus make water into wine?" He said that those where dfferent times, now he would probably make something different. I have heard of christians basically re-writting the old testament, and saying it was just a refferance, but the rules and laws in the old testament were not to be neccasarily applied today. I have never heard anyone disregard the New Testament. I told him that "Arent you supposed to follow that like it was gospel, like say I don't know... It is the bible."

Believe me I am not a Christian, I was raised it though and just kinda mooved away from it. I am doing a play right now that this guy is the Director, and happens to be a good friend of mine. We use wine on stage and he buys this non-alcoholic passover wine (cause in the play we are all jewish), but i sugested that we get something with a cork... Maybe even alcoholic. He was pretty firm on it, right down to being a dick about it, and then his wife says. You know CHarlie ( the director) could easily do your part. (cause at this point i was fake insisting on doing real wine for just myself, cause i am a dick like that.) I told her i would like to see him try and i proceeded to hold my ground, but i am not even allowed to have any alcohol on stage. I was willing to quit over that too.

I just dont know how you could believe in that when even at the last supper Jesus used wine to symbolize his blood.

"And this Coca-Cola should symbolize my blood and these Doritos my body..."

Tell me what you think. And I am up for critisizm either way. (and i could use some ammo prooving that Christians can drink... )
* This post has been modified : 17 years ago
Lvl 11
Simple: Sez it's unwise to be drunken.. not to drink. Christ Himself drank wine.
* This post has been modified : 17 years ago
Lvl 23
Moderation is the key... this thread might get a taste of moderation itself
* This post has been modified : 17 years ago
Lvl 24
what youre asking is opinions on religious beliefs that revolve around the bible and such.. so unfortunately i think youre asking it on the wrong forum, because we have a no religious discussion rules here.

not because its a bad topic but because these things always get nasty in a hurry and end in really bad arguments.

* This post has been modified : 17 years ago
Lvl 23
no religious discussions allowed

* This post has been modified : 17 years ago