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Probably the coolest illustration I've ever seen

Starter: bustMall Posted: 12 years ago Views: 1.1K
Lvl 28
This takes of from the smallest known particle to the estimated size of the universe using the scroll bar at the bottom. Give it time to load, if you like science, you'll like this.

Sorry to all the apple-heads. It's "flash".
Lvl 15
That was cool. Thanks bustMall.
Lvl 27
That is cool, and a whole lot of info to try to comprehend...
Lvl 17

Lvl 70
Quite impressive. Past some point (either very small or big), it's hard to really figure the size of things but that's interesting.

Thanks for sharing
Lvl 59
I present to you, Ilya Bryzgalov, the goalie for the Philadelphia Flyers:

Lvl 19
Thanks EL !

So amusing in so many ways.....
Thanks for this post guys I was going through the same thing.

Lvl 24
Fascinating place, the universe ...This guy is Interesting... He's been around Americans long enough for every third word out of his mouth to be "like" ... that four-letter word is the bane of modern language...whoever started it should be banished to Antarctica until, like, the end of time.