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Police interview goes wrong!

Starter: SydneySinbad Posted: 16 years ago Views: 2.0K
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Lvl 21
Thanks for the re-up S.S. that sh*ts crazy
Lvl 22
I think if that was real,and I do,it was not larger than 30 cal.

(see the exit wound in his neck (below the right ear? )!!

big pistols make big exit holes no matter what angle at close range.

Lvl 30
Originally posted by JSteel

Thanks for the re-up S.S. that sh*ts crazy

No probs JSteel, always happy to help.
* This post has been modified : 16 years ago
Lvl 8
the fact the officer took his coffee on the way out is justice enough for me.
Lvl 8
Seen this many times before but it doesn't get any less brutal.

There's a similar suicide video caught on CCTV where a guy says goodbye to his girlfriend (they'd possibly just broken up), she steps into the lift and as soon as the door closes he shoots himself. I can't find it though, which is probably for the best
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