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Photoshop questions..

Starter: RumDum Posted: 16 years ago Views: 524
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Lvl 16
Im trying to get a little better with my photoshop techique, which leads to a couple questions.. I have looked in the sticky and either I just see red 'X's or it blurry when I click them.

I am not finding all that many usefull fonts, for names, Ive noticed simple fonts on other avi's that are not in my font list.

Im also having trouble with layering backgrounds and gradients. My photoshop Elements 6 is not easy to navigate I guess.

If there are any quick pointers that could be suggested, just to start me off in the right direction I could take it from there.

Ive got the basics pretty well covered.

Lvl 24
well your main problem is that youre just using the elements... isnt that like the non-full version of photoshop?

if it is what i think it is that means its going to come with a lot less options

about the font problem, you can always download fonts and put them into your windows font folder and use them in photoshop after theyre put in there. if you google "free font download" youll get a lot of really good sites :P
Lvl 16
Thanks Fefe, Now that Iv looked into it, your right, it is just a non-full version..

I will check out the font sites though.

I guess Im not doing to bad with a fail program..
Lvl 28
Yeah, you need a full version.

You can buy that here.


Lvl 18
Elements is just a cheap version of photoshop with a ton less features. You can buy the full version for hundreds less then CS3 which is what I use now.

Photoshop Elements: $89.99
Photoshop CS3: $649.99
Photoshop CS3 Extended: $999.99

I'm not too great with photoshop though so I can't really help ya get any better. I'm still new to it myself.
Lvl 24

any questions that you have... let me know ill help you out
Lvl 16
thanks for your help everyone. I just don't want to spend that much money on the program. My wife might get half of my PS..

@ Fefe, Ill be back in Fl in October..
Lvl 13
elemnts is a strip down version of ps. cant belive you didnt know that..

go here for

and as fefe said put them in the fonts folder in windos.(start>control panel>fonts>file>install new font)

and if you need guide about ghey backround color for your avatar fell free to ask.
Lvl 16

This is an open source alternative to photoshop, I haven't really used it because I have CS3, but I've heard good things. It's free so giving it a try can't hurt.

Elements really does suck balls so you need to get rid of that to do anything substantial.

As for your fonts I prefer to add them to Cs3 directly because adding A LOT of fonts to windows will slow it down, but you shouldn't have to worry about that until you get a couple thousand fonts.

As for layering backgrounds and gradients I don't really know what you're doing so I'll need some more info before I can tell you about that. This is a great site that can teach you all kinds of cool stuff in PS and other graphic programs.
Lvl 18
I use CS2 for all of my graphic design work. Feel free to send me questions too (though Fefe is a cuter options)
Lvl 16
thanx again, I might try to ebay CS2. Not sure how that's gonna work out though. I will atleast keep my eyes open.

Im glad baot bought the Elements program, instead of myself. I wrote it off to office supplies..
Lvl 13
dont go fof cs2 if youre not good with elments.

buy photoshop 7-9. will be more easy and less expnsive start for you.

plus gimp is decent for generl stuff.
Lvl 16
Im having a hard time cutting out the image and getting it to a different back ground, is this me being a dumbass or is it elements? It seems to have the feature.
Lvl 13
Originally posted by RumDum

Im having a hard time cutting out the image and getting it to a different back ground, is this me being a dumbass or is it elements? It seems to have the feature.
well i guess it is you..

use the pen tool if you got skill otherwise use the ersar,plus use mask to change backround.
Lvl 16
BRB, Im gonna go see what the mask is..

BTW, Im ok with being a dumbass for now, in this area..


Nope, didn't see anything called mask.
Lvl 13
upload your file and explain what you wanna do.

ps:if you dont see mask maybe elments dosent have it,or of course youre a dumbass.

an easy why to achive your effect is to open both files clean up the file that you want to put a differnt backround to it,selct the wand and then the move tool and then you move (duh!) it to the next file which will be the backround.

not the best way to go but a fast way for you to understand hopefuly.

hope you understand and did help you.

*edit:use the lassoo will be more easy then the wand.
Lvl 16
I understand that part. I don't have a specific project that Im working on at the moment, to upload, but everytime I do an avi or play with a pic, I try something a lil different to get better.

I made my own gradiant color pattern, but couldn't apply it to name layer. Small things like that.

That last tip should help some.
Lvl 13
gradient need to be saved as gradient and then choose it and when you use it,it will become the top layer.

meh enough with this, more pRon and then more help.

*go and look at pRon..

play with the buttons menues and sliders and become less n00b.
* This post has been modified : 16 years ago
Lvl 24
Originally posted by RumDum

@ Fefe, Ill be back in Fl in October..


you could come over and i'll give you a personal hands on tutorial :P

Originally posted by mrdorkbutt

Feel free to send me questions too (though Fefe is a cuter options)

thanks dorkbutt!
Lvl 14
Originally posted by RumDum

BRB, Im gonna go see what the mask is..

BTW, Im ok with being a dumbass for now, in this area..


Nope, didn't see anything called mask.

Don't feel that way. I'm still using PS CS1. With CS1 it's very slick and quick with copying and pasting images on to different backgrounds. So once you get yourself going with your own copy of PS you'll be off to the races in no time.
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