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Perfect toy for your dog

Starter: [Deleted] Posted: 16 years ago Views: 297

Pretty cool invention
Lvl 27
The perfect way to play with your pet
Lvl 25
Haha yes, I have seen that video.. You don't have to throw ball anymore, now if the dog lets himself out when he/she needs to go
Lvl 24
thats fucking perfect for wanting your dog to get exercise for the day when you dont have time to take him out for the walk!!

and also, that dog is ADORABLE!!!!!!!!!!

hes so happy about the whole deal
Lvl 29
That is a good one!! I need one of those!!

Lvl 59
My dog would stay busy with that thing all day. Most humans get sick of playing ball before she does, so that's pretty cool.
thats an awesome idea..
although my pup is still too sleepy for it i think
Lvl 9
Pretty sweet. Another perfect use is to keep that fat, cock-blocker uggo friend busy, while you have a free pass at her hot friend unimpeded. Except, modified a bit, so that it auto-reloads and launches hot pockets or pizza rolls. Everyone leaves happy...
Lvl 24
Originally posted by wolfp4ck

Pretty sweet. Another perfect use is to keep that fat, cock-blocker uggo friend busy, while you have a free pass at her hot friend unimpeded. Except, modified a bit, so that it auto-reloads and launches hot pockets or pizza rolls. Everyone leaves happy...

im having a really odd mental picture of hot pockets smacking into walls and splattering whatever all over the place
Lvl 59
Originally posted by FeFeHumHum


im having a really odd mental picture of hot pockets smacking into walls and splattering whatever all over the place


Lvl 28
They will destroy your mouth!
Lvl 9
Originally posted by FeFeHumHum


im having a really odd mental picture of hot pockets smacking into walls and splattering whatever all over the place

Those cock-blockers are in the zone FeFe, they never miss an opportunity to indulge in their ungodly talents!
I thought about buying something similar but can't justify spending the money. Especially since our dog wouldn't refill it on his own.
Originally posted by wolfp4ck


Those cock-blockers are in the zone FeFe, they never miss an opportunity to indulge in their ungodly talents!

GOD has spoken
Lvl 7
Thats hillarious!!
Lvl 9
Originally posted by Cooper.

GOD has spoken

Yeah Thanks, can you ask him to send some sunshine my way? Thanks. Wicked cold..Brrr. Thanks!
Lvl 20
Wow, that dog is really well trained on that machine.