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No Way Am I Starting Another spam thread SPAM Thread

Starter: ThreadKiller Posted: 12 years ago Views: 24.2K
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Katy Perry reckons I'm a firework but I disagree.
Lvl 59
Originally posted by DEMO

If I'm remembering correctly, more hospital visits are caused by sparklers, then any other type of firework...

So yeah, dude is really partying it up

Yeah, I think I remember hearing that too, because they're so widely available, even in states that ban most of the other stuff, and people think it's a good idea to give thme to little kids, enve though those fuckers get to be something like 1500 degrees (F) or some nonsensically high temperature.

That being said, one of the twitter accounts I follow (@FanSince09) does a lot of retweeting people who say dumb things on twitter (one of my favorite is when he searches for the word "colon" and retweets people who are like, "Boy, my boyfriends colon smells good today!". Anyway, last night he was retweeting a bunch of people who were talking about being in the hospital and having blown their fingers off and things. I was like, "lol, at least they can still twitter!"

But not funny, because blowing up your hand has got to suck.

But sorta funny, because it wasn't me.
Lvl 28
Originally posted by ThreadKiller


For reals.

[ Link ]

You SOB, gave me a scare there for a moment when I saw that link.

Lvl 37
Originally posted by bustMall


You SOB, gave me a scare there for a moment when I saw that link.

Lvl 28
Think you're funny dontchya, all smug 'n shit, puffin' on that pipe?

Well,....You are!
Lvl 37

All in fun laddiebuck.

Dang, this place is deader than Saturday night.(hang)
Lvl 19
living up to your name, no ?

Originally posted by ThreadKiller

All in fun laddiebuck.

Dang, this place is deader than Saturday night.(hang)
Lvl 28
Yoo Hoo...... (listens for echo)
Lvl 21
Originally posted by hydrahead


Wow, it was a big moon the other night
This is a Frank Lloyd Wright house...

I love the way they used the bricks.
What's up with chicks these days?

I was crawling through town this afternoon listeneing to the radio, actually i wish i could remember this cool song that i herd.
Thet're eitrher fat or skinny
Lvl 37
Originally posted by scrog


I'm awake now!

@F, that's how I got my nick.
IJust when you think ya might be getting somerwhere the taxoffice evens things up
The god particle.

Lvl 28
Scrog, the spam spammer.

That moon was gorgeous. Was out cruisin' the country in the jeep, top down, great evening, beautiful sunset and one of the prettiest full moons I've ever seen.

Never seen a FLW house with a pitched roof. He was an original, that's for sure.
Lvl 8
In the spirit of another winding-down spam thread, damn it's hot here right now.
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