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Nine Inch Nails - The Slip (Full cd download)

Starter: rainbowdemon Posted: 16 years ago Views: 669
Lvl 29
As a thank you to our fans for your continued support, we are giving away the new nine inch nails album one hundred percent free, exclusively via

the music is available in a variety of formats including high-quality MP3, FLAC or M4A lossless at CD quality and even higher-than-CD quality 24/96 WAVE. your link will include all options - all free. all downloads include a PDF with artwork and credits.

Awesome, thx RD
Lvl 27
Cool, I'll have to check that out later when I get on my own computer...

Thanks RD (beer)
Lvl 13
Downloading right now!

Ya know what, at first I was expecting a disc of remixes and instrumental pieces, but I am greatly impressed!

This is all NEW music for free!
* This post has been modified : 16 years ago
Lvl 18
this is better than naming your own price like for the last radiohead album...This one is guilt free downoading for free.
Lvl 18
Yeah that's cause they suck so damn bad they have to give it away for free. NIN had their time but nobody gives a fuck about the freak show anymore. I haven't even seen anybody in a beat up NIN t-shirt (which used to be EVERYWHERE) in years.
Originally posted by Swiss407

Yeah that's cause they suck so damn bad they have to give it away for free. NIN had their time but nobody gives a fuck about the freak show anymore. I haven't even seen anybody in a beat up NIN t-shirt (which used to be EVERYWHERE) in years.

I still listen to some of their old stuff occasionally and this is free so I'll definitely give it whirl, who knows I might enjoy it. If you don't like'em, why click on this thread
Lvl 29
Swiss can't help it. He just has to piss on the fire!!

Lvl 28
thanks rd... i heard about this, but i've been working a lot... i still think nin is a great band...
Lvl 28
p.s. ... i vote this thread a 5, and yes, you get a cookie...
Thanks RD

im a huge NIN fan, and Swiss is right they have lost alot of their popularity, but they are still very good
Thanks RD...that should put me over 4500 songs!
Lvl 17
how cool is nin to do that?! I swear I want to buy something of theirs now just b/c their being so cool and I rarely buy music stuff even before the net. Gota love cool people.
Lvl 13
Thanks but I've been Rick Rolled so many times recently that I'm afraid of clicking.
Lvl 3
It's real. I heard they were going to do this and I'm really happy they did. I've always loved their stuff.