well i aint worried about it i could care less what she does i just gave my input and that was that nothing more
* This post has been modified
: 19 years ago
Originally posted by FREAKLUV69
well i aint worried about it i could care less what she does i just gave my input and that was that nothing more
Originally posted by cmf022984
Yeah, but it's a good sore. It was so worth it.
Originally posted by cmf022984
Yeah, but it's a good sore. It was so worth it.
Originally posted by mal
Good for you cmf.
You are a truyly independent woman. I am relieved that after six or seven pages of juvenile statments compeletly ignoring the possibility that woman enjoy sex, and even kinky sex some members here on page 7 and later pointed this out.
blah blah blah, words words words, trying to sound smart and female