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Music thats puts you in the mood.

Starter: [Deleted] Posted: 13 years ago Views: 1.3K

Everyone has a song that puts them in the know...that song that gets the blood pumping or the juices flowing.

Maybe its slow and romantic or maybe its down dirty and fast. Whatever it is, tell us about it. Post YouTube videos if you can, or just tell us what it is.
I'll start.

I've posted this video before, so if you've already seen it I apologize.

This song oozes sex for me, its like there is a direct connection between my ears and get the idea. I used to have this song on a playlist that I would randomly listen to at school, or on the train, but I honestly had to take it off because it causes unwanted changes in my body.

I give you - Melissa Ferrick - Drive.

Lvl 27
i can honestly say, I have no music, or song that does it for me...

Don't get me wrong I luvs me some tunes, just does nothing for my libido...
Lvl 37
I like Rossini's William Tell Overture.
It starts out slow and easy then all hell breaks loose when the Lone Ranger rides!
Lvl 6
Originally posted by ThreadKiller

I like Rossini's William Tell Overture.
It starts out slow and easy then all hell breaks loose when the Lone Ranger rides!

haha this used to be our country country race song. Our friends would run from spot to spot along the course with this giant freakin' boombox straight out of the 80s blasting this [youtube][/youtube]

As for me, there are quite a few that can get me going. hah But the first one that came to mind is Basic Space by The xx. It's got this quiet sexiness about it. ...Don't listen to the lyrics too closely, they're actually a bit depressing, hah, but besides that but srsly. very sexy.

* This post has been modified : 13 years ago
Good one sweetie. It has that slow but steady kinda build to it...draws you into the music the further along the song plays.

*must remember to DL The xx.
Lvl 6
oh that's okay, Sweets. I have the whole album on my computer
*Must remember to have LD play The xx when I visit.
Lvl 12
Originally posted by Sugarpie

This song oozes sex for me, its like there is a direct connection between my ears and get the idea. I used to have this song on a playlist that I would randomly listen to at school, or on the train, but I honestly had to take it off because it causes unwanted changes in my body.

I give you - Melissa Ferrick - Drive.

That's because you're thinking of this video and those hotties getting it on while listening to the song.

I'm with Demodad ... I don't have any music that "get's the juices flowing". All I need is for my wife to bend over and my blood is pumping.
Lvl 13
Pink Floyd - Sheep
Originally posted by hornithologist


That's because you're thinking of this video and those hotties getting it on while listening to the song.

No doubt the video is hot...I love The L Word. But even before I saw this video I was in love/lust with this song.
Lvl 59
When I was in high school, it was this [youtube]fV8vB1BB2qc[/youtube] and this [youtube]jnWPmk76PcU[/youtube].

Those worked like some sort of sexual magic spells to get the mood for sexiness going.

Then, a bit later, it was this [youtube]ZnHmskwqCCQ[/youtube]

But now, when I enter the bedroom, I play this. Fiercely ominous and foreboding, and nicely complements my manly essence: [youtube]ygNuRpwZqRU[/youtube]
Lvl 12
Ahhh, your 3rd song ... when you play this, does it end up with you running really fast while girls run away from you?

And your 4th song ... sounds like you should be going into battle wearing a kilt with other Scotsman. Not sure why they chose that for the soundtrack.
Lvl 6
soooo this video is a bit absurd. ok. extremely absurd. haha but. I think the music itself is sexy. And so is the girl, hah.


the first link still worked for me, but maybe this second one will work for you, SP?

if not, the song is called Fresh Blood by The Eels...
* This post has been modified : 13 years ago
I hate it when this happens.