the next one comes from the tagesspiegel in germany...
- printed on thursday last week
- sunday the first e-mail fludding from people around the world to the tagesspiegel
but this is not the prophet, ...just inner political drawings about the german troops "bundeswehr" on the WM2006 in germany...
but as always...nothing political in such a board... i think this is for blogs and others...
as the first protests about the mohamed drawings from denmark... 2 month between printing and protests..
my comment: "i thought the communication is a bit faster then 100 years ago!"
internet/letter/phone and not the drawigs made the way to arab region by horses!
post more girls! we need every support to get the best cunts of this world!
protests against ugly girls is much better, we need more good looking hotties in the newspapers... big blonde bombshells!
* This post has been modified
: 19 years ago