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MSPaint Delicious Cake!

Starter: Tarquin Posted: 15 years ago Views: 5.4K
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Lvl 20
Your resident goon brings you yet another goon MS Paint game. Created by a gune who shall remain nameless because I don't want his name showing in the search engine here.

Only use MSPaint fuckers.

Lvl 20

Lvl 12
fuck it I'm hungry
Lvl 20
Now that is fucked up.

Nicely done.
Lvl 8
Lvl 12
Lvl 20
Awww...Momo... Buzzkill mang. BUZZ KILL.
Lvl 12
Lvl 19
Lvl 24
No cake for you.

Also, very few lulz. But I'm waiting for something to load. So there ya go.
Lvl 17
Lvl 17
HAHA had to have another shot at it

Lvl 19
Lvl 13
cool thread
Lvl 20
Thanks, leon!

Wow holy shit! Some of you guys are fucking going to Hell so bad!

Bangles, yours rock! The WTF one is funny, the pedobear one is just wrong.

I love the wife one too! That's the shit! Fuck I gotta archive this shit someplace.
Lvl 24

that shit is hilarious

sweet thread tarquin, i love laughing out loud in my office when im by myself and its quiet that way people think im just crazy (especially since im not supposed to be on msn or on a forum, etc)

when i get home im going to wow and impress you with my sweetass paint skills :P
Lvl 13
Cool thread and very funny. My PS skills prevent me from doing anything more than rating this thread a 5!
Lvl 16
Lvl 12
^^Cool, cake AND brownies!!
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