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mr.poops movie trivia

Starter: Mr.Poop Posted: 15 years ago Views: 5.0K
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Lvl 18
ok here's the deal i LOVE movies and i'm also obsessive compulsive so my thought was why not combine the 2 for your enjoyment
so i'm starting a movie trivia thread to torture you and to make me feel better about my movie trivia knowledge so here's the rules

1 whoever answers the question correctly gets to ask the next question
2 the movie in question has to be out at least a year
3 if nobody answers the question after 3 days i give the question a who the fuck knows and I get to ask another question

ok heres the first question

in the original terminator what was sarah connors apartment number?
* This post has been modified : 15 years ago
Lvl 20
Lvl 18
nope good guess though
Lvl 24
Lvl 18
correct. you have 24 hours to ask your question then another question will be asked.
* This post has been modified : 15 years ago
Lvl 28
Cool thread idea.
Lvl 18
in the movie "stand by me" how much money did vern have?
Lvl 8
7 cents
Lvl 18
correct you guys are good at this you have 24 hours to ask a question or another question will be asked
Lvl 18
in the disney movie fantasia what is the name of the wizard
Lvl 20
Yen Sid. I know this because he is also in Kingdom Hearts.

Edit: Which movie do these final two lines belong to?

"Don't shoot—they're in Switzerland."

"Good for them."

PS: Don't be a cheap-ass googler. Let's make this fun and entertaining instead of a race to a search engine.
Lvl 29
I am just gonnna guess and say, "Dr. Strangelove."
I doubt it is right but is sounds like something from the movie.
Lvl 5
The Great Escape
Lvl 20
No to Dr. Stangelove and no to The Great Escape - though that's what I thought it was as well at first.
Lvl 18
who the fuck knows
tarquin if you want to answer feel free.

"far better it is to dare mighty things.. than to take rank with those poor, timid sprits who know neither victory nor defeat."
theodore roosevelt

what movie did this apear in
(hint it was on a statue)
Lvl 8
red dawn
Lvl 18
you have 24 hours to ask another question or i will ask another question

by the way tarquin rpgs blow
Lvl 20
Originally posted by Mr.Poop

by the way tarquin rpgs blow


Also, the quote was from an old anti-war film titled Grand Illusion.
Lvl 8
in the movie jurrasic park what kind of vehicles did they use for the tours. (the electric ones)
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