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Most Trashy Drinks Around Thread (Also Known As How To Get Your Friends F*cked Up)

Starter: kayradis Posted: 14 years ago Views: 1.5K
Lvl 4

In Canada, where I live, we do have some great concepts about frienship. In fact, the principle of getting your friends polluted and convince them to do crazy stuff is one of our favorite. Haven't seen a thread talking about your most horribles party experiences and homemade moonshine/mixes/ifyoudrinkthatyoullpukeandilllaugh.

The goal is to submit your most disgusting drink you ever tasted. So, you'll be able to dodge those monstruosities and buy them to your friends for some awesome payback for that time he drived-by cock-punched while you were trying to hit on this hottie!

Since Honda cant stop talking about Pepsi Lime I'll will be full-time questing to get something good outta that.

But. Please. Be Carefull.
Lvl 4
So not that long ago my good friend decided to raid my bar and start mixing things together.

He came out with a dirty trick.

I got that girl smashed.
He got laid.
She pucked on him.

Dirty Gorillaz
2oz of Banana Liquor
1oz of Jack Daniel's

makes 3 shots (or 2 if you're hardcore)
Lvl 25
The Ultimate.

8oz of Prestone AntiFreeze (FS)
2oz of 97% Isopropyl Alcohol
.5oz of Oxyclean

They won’t be waking up for a while.
Lvl 28
I've had more than one hilarious drunk story on here. I used to post a lot of amusing stories here until people started getting all uninterested.

As far as gross drinks, anything I've ever tried with Gin or Whiskey has been pretty gross.

I don't really drink like..a shit load.

I'm sure some of these fine chaps know a thing or two about gettingz drunk.
Lvl 18

This stuff tastes terrible and has no functional use in my opinion other then outright poisoning your friends. If you give it to anyone though just make sure you won't feel too bad if they die. Fuck I hate this stuff. When I was younger I hung out with a much older crowd who thought it was funny to see the young kid projectile vomit so they gave me this stuff on occasion and because I wanted to be cool I would drink it. You couldn't pay me to go near it again.
Lvl 4
When I was living in British Colombia, I've stumble across Navy Lambs Rhum 151 Proof.

Unfortunately, because me and my 2 buddies were stuck on ship that night, we drank the whole thing.

Woke up with a broken nose, face all scrached and the hangover of a lifetime.

I had my mom take a shot of it. She didnt talked to me for a week after.....
Lvl 22
Originally posted by J-Swiss

[ Image ]

This stuff tastes terrible and has no functional use in my opinion other then outright poisoning your friends. If you give it to anyone though just make sure you won't feel too bad if they die. Fuck I hate this stuff. When I was younger I hung out with a much older crowd who thought it was funny to see the young kid projectile vomit so they gave me this stuff on occasion and because I wanted to be cool I would drink it. You couldn't pay me to go near it again.

You got any left?
I've got a great drink made with it!

2 gal of apple juice or cider (pastureized) - your choice
1 bottle of Everclear or generic substitute- no rubbing alcohol is not an accepted sub.
2 cinnamon sticks - can be more if you like cinnamon
1-2 cups sugar - depending on how sweet you like your death drink

Pour 1/2 of the juice into a large cup so that you can pour 1/2 of the bottle of everclear into the jug. **NOTE**If your really feeling daring you can add a whole bottle of Everclear to the cider, just be warned that you can taste it a little and it will be an ass kicker.** Add your sugar and cinnamon. Refill to the top with juice. Put the cap on tightly. Shake until all sugar is absorbed into the juice. Let stand for awhile. In my experience the longer it sits the better. The cinnamon really gets into the flavor if you let it sit. If you in a hurry you can drink it right away.

Serve room temp or even heated a little in the winter.

I am not responsible for what could happen to you by drinking this. Typically you cant taste any booze and it will kick you in the head!
But that's another story

It is good!
Lvl 8
@J-Swiss: Everclear is digusting by itself but If you mix it with something fruity, you can't taste it at all. We used to make Hunch-Punch with it in highschool and college. Just get a big ass cooler. Fill said cooler with one bottle Everclear and one bottle random cheap vodka. Add fruit punch, and (2) two liter bottles of Sprite. Yes, it's almost disgustingly sweet and yes, it's a hangover waiting to happen but the girls would guzzle it down like water. +1 if you add slices of fruit to the punch and let the girls eat the liqour-soaked fruit.

As for the grossest drink I've ever had, a local bar has a shot they call "The Dragon" I believe it contains Wild Turkey, 151 Rum, Yagermiester, and possibly tequilla. Instant vomit the second it hits your stomach but my friends all take one on our respected birthdays.
Lvl 6
Dirty Diaper..... Cuervo Gold heated in the Microwave for 10 second then served as a shot.
Lvl 4
Originally posted by davey45

As for the grossest drink I've ever had, a local bar has a shot they call "The Dragon" I believe it contains Wild Turkey, 151 Rum, Yagermiester, and possibly tequilla. Instant vomit the second it hits your stomach but my friends all take one on our respected birthdays.

I'll try that on the guys this weekend! I'll let you know if it turn into something wild!
Lvl 6
The Black Eye!

In a pint glass add half Guiness and half cheap Merlot sorta like a black an tan, by layering them, guiness first then merlot over a spoon...
If you drink these they go down great but the combo of the two catch up with you and the buzz is quite a different than anything I've ever tried...(beer)
Lvl 20
We had a guy living in a house way back in the 70's that was biology student. He used to get us lab alcohol, which is stronger than Everclear and as high an alcohol content as you can get. We called it catatonic vodka and came in metal can like coleman camp fuel. I was a bartender at the time and took an empty Absolute bottle, filled it with this stuff and kept in the freezer. Ultimate weapon against asshole patrons and low tippers. When my boss asked me to create a house cocktail i created this drink, which though tasting like shit was popular because it got you fucked up. recipe follows:
1 1/2 oz cataonic vodka
1 oz Bacardi 151
1 oz Green Chartreuse
stir with ice like a martini. strain and serve in a martini glass or as shots
Lvl 5

You got any left?
I've got a great drink made with it!

I've had that apple/cinnamon drink before and it is pretty awesome. I think they called it hot apple pie or something. Anyway, Another drink with everclear that is pretty decent is

1 2liter of Sprite (I've seen a second one used if you don't want it particularly stout)
1 bottle of everclear or PGA
1 small can of the frozen lemon/lime concentrate (ie you mix this stuff with water to make lemonade :P can't remember what it is really called)

Stir it all together and proceed to get smammered. We used to make this up in the water coolers and have it around the house at parties. Good times
Lvl 5
Also, forgot to mention, as far as gross drinks go, I got ordered a "Prarie Fire" when I turned 21. Dunno what was in it, except for a lot of tabasco. By the time I realized that however, my mouth and lips were already on fire, and my "buddies" were laughing their collective asses off.
Lvl 18
Adios Motherf*cker

shot of vodka
shot of rum
shot of tequila
shot of gin
shot of blue curacao liqueur
shot of sweet and sour mix
shot of 7-up or similar soda
Lvl 59
Around here there's a shot called the New Jersey Turnpike which we would always try to get our friends to drink when they were super drunk.

Basically, you get the bartender to empty the contents of the bar mat thing into a shot glass, about .5 oz worth, enough to fill the shot glass 1/2 full. Then, they take the bar rag, which they use to wipe up the spilled liquor from all over the bar, and squeeze out the contents into the shot glass.

I think I ended up getting one of those once, but I can't be sure. I do know that watching other dudes drink it is fucking hilarious.
Lvl 37
Originally posted by EricLindros

Around here there's a shot called the New Jersey Turnpike which we would always try to get our friends to drink when they were super drunk.

Basically, you get the bartender to empty the contents of the bar mat thing into a shot glass, about .5 oz worth, enough to fill the shot glass 1/2 full. Then, they take the bar rag, which they use to wipe up the spilled liquor from all over the bar, and squeeze out the contents into the shot glass.

I think I ended up getting one of those once, but I can't be sure. I do know that watching other dudes drink it is fucking hilarious.

Sweet Hayzuss! That made me sick just reading it.