1:Floyd Landis
2: Didier Drogba
and almost all of the players in Serie A!
I love it when people hate Peyton Manning because the only reason to hate the guy is because he is a winner. Never in trouble, conducts his self with class, never arrogant, and well his commercials are damn funny as was his appearance on SNL.
Sorry the Colts keep kicking yer team's asses ya cry baby, suck titty, girly boys.
I mean that in the nicest possible way.
Peyton and OJ
(btw Peyton is an ass, he blamed his team for lossing to the steelers in the playoffs two years ago.. )
He called it straight up. Considering that is the only thing you can come up with I find it hard to grasp including his name next to OJ Simpson. It's cool though.
Ooops forgot to include my choice.
T.O, OJ, Vick, and Ron Artest!!
Rock on.. no hard feelings but football is definately a team sport, one bad comment about his team is all it took to put him in OJ's catagorie... It's a wonder he wasn't booed out of town, then again, it's a wonder that OJ isn't in Jail so...
Hey OJ may be heading to jail.
Here in Indy we boo kickers not QB's. Ask Vanderjagt.
This is kinda a unique debate that I hear a lot, really I think the answer needs to be broken down into a few categories:
Absolute scumbags who did something terrible - OJ Simpson, Chris Benoit
Guys who f'd up golden opportunities: Michael Vick, Mike Tyson, Marcus Vick, Pete Rose
Guys who were just scummy people: Barry Bonds, Terrell Owens, Vince McMahon
Guys that are just annoying: Peyton Manning, Alex Rodriguez, Dan Marino
My vote is for the double murderer O.J. Simpson, but what's the deal with Vince McMahon being included here? He may be a scumbag but he has about as much to do with sports as Paris Hilton has to do with architecture. WWE is entertainment, not sports.
If you can script the outcome ahead of time and still call it a sport then that means all the fights in the Rocky movies, the World Series in "The Natural" and the pie eating contest in "Stand By Me" are all sports too.
Wayne Rooney
1) for being a traitor against his schhol boy club EVERTON
2) For saying "once a blue always a blue" and then moving to Man U
3) For eating all the pies
4) For playing for Man U and kissing the badge infront of the Everton fans
5) For not breaking more than just a fourth metatarsal
6) for being a f@t B @s t4rd
badmutha....why dan marino
everton fc....i would agree with you if i wasnt too happy a person to be blue
Barry Bonds - Steroids
Todd Bertuzzi - Atempted Murder on national TV
OJ Simpson - Murderer
Mike Tyson - Wife Rapist