"Mexican Law" is just another urban legend, another dream that somebody woke up with. We are not that stupid in the USA and others around the world don't seem to suffer the same.
Thinking cap time:
If you are a criminal and your thought is to rob, beat, rape, steal or whatever and you know that the law abiding citizen is not allowed to own/use a gun then it's a fair bet that you're going to have an easy time committing a crime. However if you know that there is a possibility of someone carrying a weapon you would think (criminal minds rarely do) twice before approaching a victim or entering a house. And if you knew that the use of deadly force to protect ones life and property were allowed you would go somewhere else. Like somewhere where guns aren't allowed. Like Chicago or New York.
In Georgia many years ago the City of Kennesaw enacted a law that all citizens that are allowed to purchase/own guns are REQUIRED to do so. Just about overnight the crime rate dropped and property values went up. Enforcement of the ownership/carry policy is not done, you have the choice not to carry/own gun(s). Not too long a new law allows for the defense of life/property during a carjacking. Strange but the occurances of carjacking went down. About 15 yrs or so ago a teenager shot and killed a would be theif. The body was half in and out of the window. The kid warned him numerous times, showed him the gun and the criminal kept coming in. Two grand juries refused to prosecute and the kid is a hero. The perps own mother said he deserved to be shot and never sued the boy or his family.
In Florida, every time they enact a law to allow law abiding citizens the right to defend and protect themselves crime goes down. In Texas the same thing happens. Sorry to say but criminals will not go near anybody with guns or the possibility of guns. Except for the one jackass who decided to rob a gun store. A gun store that offered good discounts to cops. Cops who were there in the store when jackass pulled out a stolen gun and demanded money. He's dead now. He won a Darwin Award.
BTW, I own guns. Almost everybody in my neighborhood knows this. The smart mouth kids around the corner knows this. My next door neighbor and I shoot together, compare and show off the holes in the targets to others in the front yard. My gf feels safe and she'll pump ya full of lead if you not invited to be here. We work hard for what's ours and we protect ourselves. The police will not be here the instant a criminal is in the house. Be damn lucky if they were around the corner but that will never happen because there is no donut shop nearby. The US Supreme Court ruled that the police cannot protect you 24/7, it's your job.
Yes each state has it's own laws. Even different counties have different laws. Hey MAL, up in Chicago does one of the outer counties still allow for gun ownership? And isn't their crime rate lower than Cook county/Chicago? Ever wonder why.
Also the safety is always working. It's the safety between my ears, my brain. Guns don't kill people, people do. Not one of my guns, rifles or shotguns has ever killed anybody. No need for trigger locks in my house either. Children don't touch the guns unless I'm around. And they know how to use them too. And when to use them.
For those of you who live where guns aren't allowed might I suggest you learn how to use knives and other weapons. Did you know that a properly prepared People magazine can be used to beat the shit out of somebody. It might just save your life one day. Unless of course your laws favor the "rights" of the criminal and not the victim.
And no, I don't shoot people for walking across my yard. However my neighbors Chihuahua will rip your ankle off though. Now that thing I might shoot, little fucker comes after me too.
* This post has been modified
: 19 years ago