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LOL is so '09, hit me up now!

Starter: SydneySinbad Posted: 13 years ago Views: 667
Lvl 30
It's no longer cool to write . The new acronym is PML.
And no one uses BRB. It's BFN.
Internet vernacular has changed. I can tell someone's age from their internet talk. When I read BRB or , I think geez - that's so old!
Instead techno-savvy bloggers are using PML (Piss Myself Laughing) and BFN (Bye For Now).
Also NSFW (Not Safe For Work) which is used as a warning when the attachment is 'somewhat vulgar'.
And TLDR (Too Long Didn't Read) means the status update is too long and the person couldn't be bothered.
I have found on Facebook the most popular status update of 2010 was HMU (Hit Me Up).
So perhaps, I may receive a reply to this Post as TLDR?
Lvl 29
I don't usually use any of them. Never did.
Lvl 15
i dont care what anyone says but fubar will never die
Lvl 13
TTFN-Guess my age!
Lvl 22
What in the hell are you talking about Syd