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Legs for Tits Spam

Starter: EricLindros Posted: 14 years ago Views: 29.2K
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Lvl 24

I love how there's just ass loads of dude-on-dude action, and then like 4 pictures of some girl chilling.
Lvl 24
I was metrical...
Lvl 24
Also, Role Models is damn good. I'm gonna go watch it I think.
Lvl 28
Originally posted by Bangledesh

I love how there's just ass loads of dude-on-dude action, and then like 4 pictures of some girl chilling.

I know, I seen the chick and I was like "Ohh, she's kinda nerdy cute I guess"...boom, full on ghey action.

Totally freaked my mind brah.
Lvl 59
Originally posted by Bangledesh

Also, Role Models is damn good. I'm gonna go watch it I think.

Starbucks lady: A venti is a large coffee.
Rudd: Really? Says who? Fellini? Do you accept lira or is it all euros now?
Lvl 10
Originally posted by Bangledesh

I love how there's just ass loads of dude-on-dude action, and then like 4 pictures of some girl chilling.

Somewhat rhetorical, eh?
Lvl 28
Lvl 10
Asia rocks
Lvl 22
So.... I guess hurling in the lounge is frowned upon ?
Lvl 28
Franklin, stop low rating the spam before Fefe deletes you.

@Notech: Sup dawg?
Lvl 22
Just the usual

You takin' any pics for rural exploring ?

Besides bugs
Lvl 28
I've been busy lately, but I do plan on contributing sir..
Lvl 22
Eh, it's dying now so thanks for the effort anyway
Lvl 28
Why is it dying?

Also, I don't post in it more because you fullsize hotlink..

...and it sounds like excuses, but my internet simply can't handle that. It's why I thumbnail hotlink.

But I have been taking pictures over the summer of random shenanigans..and I'll post them when I get home if I remember..
Lvl 22
I didn't want it to be all my pics....

I started to at least re-size them (still too big?)

And do you know what an Indian love stone is?
Lvl 28
Lvl 25
I would post in that thread, but well, I live in Detroit. So the closest thing to rural is an unused, unkempt, littered field.
Lvl 22
@ Honda......

@ Kanzen, In the header I said "if you like a pic that you found post it" ! I'm sure that you find photos that you love the scenery of
Lvl 25
Only shots of the sky, that is about it. Detroit is an ugly city, despite what their campaign ads say.
Lvl 22
You should post in the "Urban Exploration" one then

Really find a photo that you like, post it there, google is good for that....
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