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Katy Perry's Spam Thread; with apple cider.

Starter: EricLindros Posted: 14 years ago Views: 22.1K
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Lvl 51
Katy is so hot!

Lvl 18
Lvl 28
I would get off her plane..if you catch my drift.

Lvl 25
Originally posted by Honda_X

I would [i]get off her plane[i/]..if you catch my drift.

[ Image ]

I would mock you for this, but appears there is a chance you have ba—

(User was banned for this post.)
Lvl 28
Man, how long were you waiting to spring that on me? I fixed it like ten minutes later...

How are you doing by the way?

What's new with Kanzen?

Lvl 59
I'm sweating right now.
Lvl 28
Originally posted by EricLindros

I'm sweating right now.

Arrre you gettin buzay?

If so, put the keyboard on her head.
Lvl 59
Lvl 28

...I'm loling at that kid.
Lvl 25
Originally posted by EricLindros

Lvl 59
Way to post porn in the lounge.

Lvl 25
(User is awesome for this post.)
Lvl 28

Also, as for that whole getting logged out every ten minutes thing. Diz just gave up on that or what?
Lvl 59
I dunno.

Doesn't happen to me.

Except on chickupload. I get logged outta there all the time.
Lvl 24
I dunno either.

I mean, I banned myself earlier. But other than that, whenever I've opened or stayed on the site, it's always let me stay on.
Lvl 28
Seeing Alex Borstein sing poker face as Marlee Matlin is still super funny the second time.

It happens to me often, but I'm not set to auto-login, which could be whats up.
Lvl 59
I took off my sweatshirt, and put on a tshirt, and am now quite comfortable
Lvl 28
I like saying "no offense but.." and then saying something horribly offensive. That shit amuses me.

@Lindros: Glad to hear you've cooled down, hot shot.

Lvl 59
Yeah, plus my dog is back.
Lvl 24
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