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Is it time for Pooter spam, I think not

Starter: Notech_The_Abbot Posted: 13 years ago Views: 17.6K
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Lvl 22
(had to do it and I know I will be severely thrashed because of it.
* This post has been modified : 13 years ago
Lvl 28
Yeah...why give anyone else a chance to make a spam...possibly without an awful title..



Just sayin is all.
I was gonna dedicate the spam to our good buddy Bangles...considering he's leaving to go to war in a week...but pooter is good too.
Lvl 59
This sounds like the Spam from The Duke's Of Hazzard or something.


Lvl 28
....pretty disappointed by this thread.

Lvl 59
Yeah, I'm not sure how I feel about that whole leaving for war thing.

I think I disapprove.

His troll game was strong though, back when he was like, "Hey, guys, I think I'm gonna quit!" but then was like, " " and I was like, ""
Lvl 28
I srs faced so hard IRL.

I mean...usually when I'm all internettin or texting...I'm all smiles and lulz. Then Bangs was like "Yeah, how would you feel if I didn't war?" and I was all "be awesome."...IRL smile.

"JK..war time now."

*srs face*
Lvl 8
Lvl 28
I wish that post had more tiny hilarious pictures to go along with my post.
Lvl 28
American Dad is a pretty good show.
Lvl 59
Tiny funny pics are the tits!

Lvl 59
Originally posted by Honda_X

American Dad is a pretty good show.

Yeah, it took me a while to get into it, but it is pretty solid.
Lvl 24
Originally posted by Sugarpie

I was gonna dedicate the spam to our good buddy Bangles...considering he's leaving to go to war in a week...but pooter is good too.

Lvl 28
Yeah, it's one of those shows that look fucking retarded...then ends up being decent.

More chaps around here need to start watching solid comedies...pooter shouldn't have gotten as many laughs as it did.

It was what put me off my thread. I was all "...YEAH!.....oh, pooter.........yeah."

I'm sure it'll age well over the next few weeks as well.
Lvl 59
So, Emma Stone is kind of a cute girl, no?

I mean, I just saw Superbad the other day again, and she's kind of cute in that.

And then I saw that she's in this new Steve Carrel/Ryan Gosling movie, which is going to be awful, but she looks kind of hot in that too. So, what I'm saying is, she's kind of starting to grow on me a bit, which is ok I guess.

Someone has to replace the old ones who fall off my radar after they turn into pears (lookin at you Jennifer Love Hewitt )
Lvl 22
Originally posted by Sugarpie

I was gonna dedicate the spam to our good buddy Bangles...considering he's leaving to go to war in a week...but pooter is good too.

Well hell, just add a new one too the funny forums.

*disclaimer* I truely think that everyone that is willing to go to battle needs to be recognized soo....

Before it gets too big start one for the Bangs SP.
Lvl 28
I think Emma Stone is pretty cute.

She's not like "Whoa, bonerz!"..but like, solid cute girl.

Fo sho.

Also, she seems kinda, down to earth. I would imagine if we went on a date, we would rent a moon bounce.
Lvl 59
That sounds like a solid idea.

I took that bitch on a moon bounce.

Bitches love a moon bounce.
Lvl 22
I just pulled this almost 1 inch long hair out of my ear
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