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Is Anyone Else Extremely Fucking Bored?

Starter: Honda_X Posted: 15 years ago Views: 2.7K
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Lvl 59
have i told you guys that when this stuff is kicking in my entire screen moves in werid ways ant it seem slike i'm typing on colored construction paper. That moves.
Lvl 28
Originally posted by EricLindros

have i told you guys that when this stuff is kicking in my entire screen moves in werid ways ant it seem slike i'm typing on colored construction paper. That moves.

That actually sounds pretty cool. Like in the 40 Year Old Virgin when Cal is like "take 3 Excedrin PMs and try to whack off before you fall asleep" sounds trippy..

Although I only took a sleeping pill once, I woke up in the middle of the night with my heart racing, and had nightmares all night I was going to go into a coma. Awesome.

Pfft..relationships and women seem to be totally overrated....expensive and time consuming.
Lvl 24
Lvl 59
Yeah, but when you don't have them you're kind of wishing one was around for the day. But just the day, because tomorrow I may have no need for that.
Lvl 59
Bangs you should be bored, you should be enteretained by an avatar search or something
Lvl 24
Yeah, I was kinda planning on a theme coming up soon.

I guess I should work on getting a new one.
Lvl 28
Originally posted by EricLindros

Yeah, but when you don't have them you're kind of wishing one was around for the day. But just the day, because tomorrow I may have no need for that.

Yeah...I know right.

@Bangles: Spend the time getting an avy brah...

Find a pic and I'll totally make one of up you want..
Lvl 28
Originally posted by Bangledesh

Yeah, I was kinda planning on a theme coming up soon.

Ohh...sounds spine tingly dingly.

Lvl 59
Oh, hidily ho!
Lvl 24
I'm finding pics now.

Not sure what I want though...

Maybe I'll hit up a (full-blown) topless Miranda Kerr or something.
Lvl 28
Needs more neighborino...

Oh man, so how long do you usually stay up after taking the sleeping pills?
Lvl 28
Originally posted by Bangledesh

Maybe I'll hit up a (full-blown) topless Miranda Kerr or something.

Sounds pretty epic...
Lvl 59
With or without you

Through the stand and reach the shore
I give it all and I want more
And I wait, for you
With or without you
With or without you....I....I can't live, with or without you.

And you give yourself away, and you give yoruself away
and you give, and you give, and you give yourself away
my hands are tired the body bruise she got me where nothing wins and nothings left to lose

and you give yourslef away and you give, and you give, and you give yourself away with or without youooo....with or without yououoo

I can't live, with or without you....


With or without you
With or without you haaah

I can't live with or without you
With or without you
Lvl 28
I U2'd

....I like that song.
Lvl 59
I think i've done a good job of entertainign myself during my time of boredom.

I give it a C+ The score would have been higher, but it's kind of a downer thread withoa ll the brooding and sulllenness and sadness over broads and things and I'm not helping by going on an don about it ehre.

So I give up.

Until tomorrow, folks
Lvl 28
Night man..

..and on that note, I'm actually I'm going to try to get some sleep as well.
Lvl 24
Buncha jerks...

I haven't even been able to open up half of what I need.
Lvl 37
Bored on a Friday night? WTF?
OK... maybe so... I am just here drinking some Sam Adams and on WBW... But still, WTF???
Lvl 21
This has been a good read actually. I'm happy for one thing.
Through all your talk of malaise, yooz guys are not settling.
Don't do it. Too many people are too weak to simply be alone.
They settle for something and then they become those poor bastards you are talking about.
High standards are a bitch, but when you meet them it's so worth it.

In the words of Norm on Cheers: "Women, can't live with 'em. Pass the beer nuts Woody"
been out since thursday night..
been drinking a little....BBQ'n a little...and now going to an easter no, not bored..

and take it to PM's for fucks sake....or get a room!
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