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I am soooooo Fuc*ing pissed

Starter: J_A_W_Z Posted: 18 years ago Views: 2.7K
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Lvl 26
This is not some random rant or anything like that so please read and comment respectfully and honestly.

I just recieved an e-mail from some pervert directing me to go to a child porn site. That pissed me off but not as much as what I am about to tell everyone. I contacted AOL since that was the e-mail account that it was sent to, they gave me the run-around and didnt tell me shit. So I called my local police

station and they sent someone here to check it out. When they came we told them what exactly what happened and that I clicked the link just to be sure that it wasnt some "bumblefuck" trying to get someone pissed off, and when I saw what came up I closed it as quick as I could. Well the policemen opened the link and

said that they thought it was a legal site since you had to pay to join and that the girls were more than likely of age but portrayed to be younger. That really pissed me off since what I glanced at for that second didnt look like an 18 year old girl. After they left, just to be on the safe side I checked it out

further, clicking on a few links, and they were in fact "younger" as in anywhere from 5 to 11 years old. So then I went to google to see if there was some place I could go to report this sort of thing and I didnt find much help, mostly other people with the same problem and not knowing what to do. Everything in

this post got my blood boiling like never before and I still dont know where to go or who to contact on this. If anyone has any ideas or knows where to report this please let me know. I want to do something about these sick people, so please if anyone knows of any sites let me know.
* This post has been modified : 18 years ago
Lvl 8
sick f*cks hope you catch them and they get done in
* This post has been modified : 18 years ago
Lvl 26
Hell I'm trying but everything I find points to there is nothing that can really be done by me, and if the police decide to come back I'm gonna be up shit creek without a paddle. Just for the simple fact that I was checking it out further and it was on my computer.
* This post has been modified : 18 years ago
Lvl 8
hmm, i'm sure you can explain the situation, record the officers name you spoke too and the police station that way your safe and can argue that your a concerned citizen.
* This post has been modified : 18 years ago
Lvl 12
call them again but ask to speek with a sex crimes detective.... most departments have at least one detective that specializes in such things....
* This post has been modified : 18 years ago
Lvl 9
Im not sure about the states, we have a group called crime stoppers in Canada and they would deal with this.

and as stupid as this sounds, why not try AMW, I think they have a special unit set up for that kind of thing....
* This post has been modified : 18 years ago
Lvl 26
Thanks for the comments so far. It's kinda late right now (3 in the morning) so I'm off to bed to try and get some sleep and continue tomorrow. Hopefully more people will comment, maybe I can figure something out if I can get some sleep.
* This post has been modified : 18 years ago
Lvl 8
i vote for vigilante mob!
* This post has been modified : 18 years ago
Lvl 18
tell Kanzen about it.. my guess is that he will know what to do...
* This post has been modified : 18 years ago
Lvl 17
The Dr will not boogie 5-11 style and would like to boogie on down to find these sickos who stole the inocenece of those involved!!
* This post has been modified : 18 years ago
Lvl 9
It's a Federal crime which is probably why your local PD is less than enthused.
* This post has been modified : 18 years ago
Lvl 29
Send the link to the FBI.
* This post has been modified : 18 years ago
Lvl 13
Originally posted by crazycracker88

hmm, i'm sure you can explain the situation, record the officers name you spoke too and the police station that way your safe and can argue that your a concerned citizen.

second that plus call the police back about what you found, however alot of companies that are outside the us like amsterdam allow that kinda of content on their website, its almost the norm over there. thats how they stay out of trouble, because since its the web and not a us web site they usually have no worries of harrasment
* This post has been modified : 18 years ago
If the police officer said it was legal, then it was legal and they just photo shop the girls to look younger. It is sick, but it is legal.
* This post has been modified : 18 years ago
Lvl 26
Thanks for all the info everyone

Originally posted by Jujubeez

hmm, i'm sure you can explain the situation, record the officers name you spoke too and the police station that way your safe and can argue that your a concerned citizen.

second that plus call the police back about what you found, however alot of companies that are outside the us like amsterdam allow that kinda of content on their website, its almost the norm over there. thats how they stay out of trouble, because since its the web and not a us web site they usually have no worries of harrasment

Thats one thing I dont know about, the person that sent me the site was using a e-mail address but I dont know if the site is run by that person or from outside the US and I dont know how to find out. As I was going through the site I noticed that they were advertising videos and pictures of nothing but kids and thats the only content that was on every link that I checked.

Originally posted by jsonhenry

If the police officer said it was legal, then it was legal and they just photo shop the girls to look younger. It is sick, but it is legal.

NO no no, these were not just photoshopped. The police officers didnt look through the entire site to check anything, they just took a peek at the top of the front page and on it was a girl that looked to be about 8 years old completely nude in some type of pose that she shouldnt have been in. Now how in the hell do you photoshop something like that!?
* This post has been modified : 18 years ago
Lvl 13
to be safe, quit investigating the site, delete the link, and the email...because for every page you open your pc cache is saving a image of everything you do. get over it, it sucks, but this is my creedo when dealing with email....if i don't know who it comes from it gets deleted...i dont even open them...
* This post has been modified : 18 years ago
Lvl 26
Originally posted by Jujubeez

to be safe, quit investigating the site, delete the link, and the email...because for every page you open your pc cache is saving a image of everything you do. get over it, it sucks, but this is my creedo when dealing with email....if i don't know who it comes from it gets deleted...i dont even open them...

Thats usually what I do, but for some reason I opened it and saw what it was. I havent looked at the site anymore since last night before I started this thread so theres no worries there. As far as my cache, I have cleaned it out but I read somewhere that even though you do that there is still some trace of it on your system. Again thank you to everyone for the info and comments, I guess I will just send it to one of the links or maybe even all of them and let them handle it.
* This post has been modified : 18 years ago
Lvl 3
i had this happen to a friend of mine and he followed the same path's although he was told that if the images are NOT stored or downloaded to his computer, there's nothing they can do to him or to help the case, the website that the images are on are the responsible parties, and most like someone above said, are in europe where the laws are different...there's tons of this shit all over the web, the'll never stop it, just make sure not to download ANYTHING from these horrific sites and your fine...its a huge shame that this will never stop...
* This post has been modified : 18 years ago
Lvl 29
just make sure not to download ANYTHING from these horrific sites and your fine

Kind of goes without saying. Anyone that would d/l any of this is just as bad as the sick cocksuckers that send it.
* This post has been modified : 18 years ago
Lvl 14
No wonder you're pissed..I would be pissed to if i was a demigod on a site called, What boy's want..I'm sure this website has a Moderator in charge of that kind of stuff..Did you mention that to the policemen?..if they knew you were a demigod on What Boys want..who knows..You may have had better luck..Be careful what you wish for..for you may get it..
Now they have a record of your are in the system..good going..
so how many times have you kept going back to that child porn site to make sure that it was really child porn anyway?..
How many other people in reality have you told about this incident..?..
or is this like an alcoholic in recovery going to AA meetings over and over and over again saying.."Hi my name is ________ and I'm an Alocoholic"..
or is this like an Convict in prison attending Anger Management classes?..
hmmm?..what about an internet addiction group on the internet?..
* This post has been modified : 18 years ago
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