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How Did You Quit The Jobs You've Had?

Starter: [Deleted] Posted: 18 years ago Views: 1.7K
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Ive been sitting here thinking all night how much I am beginning to hate my job (Marketing and sales consultant for a couple local car dealerships)...

And I began to wonder - Where have you worked, and how did you quit?


1) Paper Route For Local Newspaper - One day I got fed up with the bullshit people pull to stiff their paperboy's (I was like 12 at the time) and stacked all the papers up in a pile - and set them on fire. Then I called and told them I didnt want to deliver their crappy paper anymore. For a 12 year old, that was pretty bold.

2) Fast Food Cook - I got tired of this job really quickly. I was a manager after short while (because the turnover is so high in FF im sure) and one night I told all of my employees to go home - and I walked out. Fuck them. Stupid bald headed manager who acted like I should kiss his feet. Boy was he fucked at about midnight when someone called him and told him people were stealing the food.

3) Office work and production work for the college I was attending.. This job wasnt so bad, but I was about to graduate so I found another one. Met a ton of hot girls.. one that I am still looking to re-meet again any day now.

4) My current job. I dunno how I am going to do it yet - but I want to go out with a bang. Im really beginning to fucking hate it and the people I work with. We shall see.
* This post has been modified : 18 years ago
I about to quit my current job next Monday after 4 years with the company. They don’t even suspect a thing. I already have found a new job. I’m talking all my vacation right now before I leave.
* This post has been modified : 18 years ago
Lvl 11
I had one job in a seafood resturant when I was 19 or so. They kept jerking me around on hours and stuff, Id work to 1 am then have to be back to work at 6 am. Well there was a concert coming up and I wanted to go. I asked for the day off two weeks ahead of time. The next week the new schedual was posted. I didnt get the day off. So being I was the only one there in the morning I took the keys put em on the managers desk, went into the freezer and took 10 lbs of shrimp and left the place high and dry. Very next time they saw me was to pick up my last check.
* This post has been modified : 18 years ago
Lvl 11
went for my break and never came back!!!
* This post has been modified : 18 years ago
Lvl 24
after eating the meal that was prepared at the end of the night (teriyaki chicken or steak or something, sells for like 14 dollars at the resturant) went up to the owner and said "Hey, I need to turn in my two weeks"
he replied with "ok, so when is your last day?"
figured i'd make it square and told him that it was exactly two weeks from that night.

my last night we had teriyaki chicken or steak (again) and tempura banannas with chocolate and caramel.

good stuff.
* This post has been modified : 18 years ago
Lvl 12
Worked for a moving company for one day. 34 degrees Celcius carrying an old lady's piano for 6 bucks an hour. Uh, sorry, but no. When I went in at the end of that first day, I handed the boss my coveralls and he said, "Keep them, you'll need them for tomorrow." I said, "No, I don't think I will." Never showed up for a second day.
* This post has been modified : 18 years ago
Lvl 17
Job 1 - 1.25 years. Bagger turned stocker at grocery store. Turned in my two weeks.

Job 2 - 6 months. Jocked a customer service counter at a local CompUSA. Turned in my two weeks, returned everything presented to me (including things we didn't sell) the last day.

Job 3 - 3 months. Stocker at a different location of same grocery store chain. Didn't feel like showing up one day, so I never did.

Job 4 - 1.5 years. Upgrade salesman turned Tech turned Tech Admin at another local CompUSA. Turned in my two weeks, left 3 days later b/c my boss crapped on me. Was on vacation / sick / took personal time for next 3 weeks.

Job 5 - 4 years +. Technology Specialist at a school district - haven't quit, not planning to until I finish college.
* This post has been modified : 18 years ago
Lvl 11
2nd job: architectural modelmaker- 3 odd yrs. too much workload, pay was crap, no incentive:no bonuses etc, boss was a wanker, OH&S issues, as well.

handed in my letter of resignation and went skiing- ski intructor.
* This post has been modified : 18 years ago
Lvl 23
Worked at Big-O tires for a year, got sick of it and called in one day saying I won't be back.

Plating shop for 4 years, see above.

Woked at a steel company for a couple of weeks, didn't like it and stopped going.

Sorry, nothing exciting.
* This post has been modified : 18 years ago
Lvl 8
Alarm went off at 4am. Shut alarm off and went back to sleep.
* This post has been modified : 18 years ago
Lvl 14
called in and gave my two weeks notice........ oh yeah im a wild one
* This post has been modified : 18 years ago
Lvl 19
never have quit a job!

study till I was 20, went to the army, was unemployd for 5 days, was on that work 1 year it ended started this job right after that.
have been here from year -99, just love my job
* This post has been modified : 18 years ago
Lvl 14

job 1) construction... stabbed my boss in the ass with a screwdriver and left

job 2) best buy.... told my boss to fuck off i liked my new job better

job 3) schucks.... left on good terms (working there again now)

job 4) GE .... got laid off.... called my boss a worthless sack of shit who could rot in hell

job 5) construction, again.... laid off after sleeping with boss's lesbian secretary(not so lesbian anymore)
* This post has been modified : 18 years ago
Lvl 17
1) Grocery store, i had a fucking idiot boss there, so one day i decided not to show up again, 2 months after i got a note that said i was fired...

2) Gas station, when ive said to my boss i stopped the last watch i had there i just took and registered about 500 beer bottles (there was maybe 20) so i could get the money from them... closed the shop, took 2 beercases 3 bottles of booze and snacks from the storage before i left to set the alarm on

3) vacation job as a cleaning guy, that i quit with a weeks notice.

4) Customerservice for a phonecompany in there store, this was a REALLY REALLY shitty job, because all you do is to meet shitty customers every day, and my boss there sucked cock .. my last day was when after working 12 hours in hell...after christmas, and i mean customers are shit... So in the last hour this customer comes in and get really angry and starts calling me stupid and shit like that really get personal so i took hes phone and throwed it out of the shop into the street, then he really got mad and tryed to punch from behind the counter so i went on the other side, and throwed him out the shop meanwhile my boss wasent around so i just took up my shit and said to him i was leaving... got fired next day
* This post has been modified : 18 years ago
Lvl 19
* This post has been modified : 18 years ago
Lvl 13
Camera Shop - owner was a real shit. So I screwed his daughter, handed in my two weeks notice, and mentioned what a good shag his daughter was. Sacked on the spot!!! When I went to the dole office and signed on, there was a very interesting exchange between the woman in the benefits office and my ex-boss...
* This post has been modified : 18 years ago
Lvl 17
i was a cook at a place in florida for about 5 years
whe3n i quit it was summer
very very fucking hot

i opened all the windows in the back room that circles the walk-in cooler and freezer (the windows have bars on them

turned off the cooler and freezer

proped open the cooler and freezer doors

then walked to the gas tank outside

i opened the valve.... the gas all just drained out of the tank

one of my friends told me when they all came to work two days later, all the food was ruined and it cost about $400 for more gas... they had to stay closed for 2 days to restock

every where else i was treated fine.... so i left with a notice
* This post has been modified : 18 years ago
Lvl 17
Man im so boring, all my jobs have been 2 weeks notice or end of season/contract.
I got fired from one, six months later i went to the christmas customer appreciation thing (they couldnt stop me from eating the free food this time) and a couple of days after they hired me back.
* This post has been modified : 18 years ago
Lvl 22
i`m boring too, working at same firm since i`m 17, exept 5 years visiting a few strange countries .. but i think about quit in dezember. we will see...
* This post has been modified : 18 years ago
Lvl 13
i had a horrible summer job one summer in college and only worked one day. came in the second day, said i quit and started walking out of my bosses office. he asked why and i said "this job sucks" as i slammed the door behind me.

didn't even get paid for the day i worked - he must have known i was right
* This post has been modified : 18 years ago
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