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have you done drugs?

Starter: frankfurt11 Posted: 16 years ago Views: 4.2K
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Lvl 29
Serious answer now. In the late 70's, I was a hard core druggie. What was called a "garbage head" back then. Did pretty much everything. But as the 70's turned into the 80's, I mostly got away from it, and rode alcoholism all the way to the bottom. Was even homeless as a result for a short time. Haven't touched a drop of alcohol since Sept. 16, 1994. And I don't miss it. Now I just smoke a little weed. About an eight a week, more or less.

But don't fuck with me in the morning before I've had my coffee!!

Lvl 15
Nope - straight edge - always have been
Lvl 59
Can someone tell me why there is a picture of a twisted penis in this thread?
Lvl 9
well beer is a drug so i think we all have
Lvl 2
Used to smoke pot, but that was 10 years ago. Now I can only drink it and there is only one person that I know that can make pot drinkable, taste great and give me a 4h buzzzzz. In meantime, I have tasted on my body many other drugs, but I mainly stick to alcohol and cigarets
Lvl 29
Originally posted by EricLindros

Can someone tell me why there is a picture of a twisted penis in this thread?

Drugs are bad, mmmkay?

Lvl 16
I tried/did just about every drug available in the late 70's. I would cut off a limb to get qualudes back in production. A lude with a cold, the old days. A night of jammin to Hendrix and a few others on the reel to reel...a horny hottie nuzzlin up to ya. Damn...I wanna go back.
Lvl 5
used to be real big into weed, smoked it just about everyday for about 4 years, but then during college i decided what i wanted to do with my life and that job strictly prohibted it so i stopped cold and haven't touched it since, though i do miss it.
Lvl 16
Originally posted by frankfurt11

i had this discussion with my gf the other day and she said she had never known anyone doing drugs. i said this was a load of bollocks but she insisted. she really seems to believe most people dont do drugs. i believe quite the opposite. so i thought i could ask you to find the answer and help me settle this discussion!
you are welcome to write comments as well!


I am somewhat willing to believe that a porn oriented forum is more likely to come up with a bunch of dopers than say... a coin collecting forum.
Lvl 11
Never. Both my young deceased wife and my young wife of 5 years give me the greatest high of all!
Lvl 27
Experimented with pot and cola in college, nothing since then. Not my thing. However, I am drinking some Corona's as we speak.
Lvl 3
everytime i log on im smoken a big fatty. canadian weed is the shit. yeeee haaaaa
Lvl 13
Drugs I have done:

Marijuana, Mushrooms, LSD (acid), MDMA (ecstasy), MDA (second cousin of ecstasy), Ketamine (special k), Methamphetamine, Cocaine, DXM, AMT, 2CB, 2CT7, 2CT4, 2CI, 2CE, Salvia, Various benzodiazepines (klonopin, ativan, valium, xanax), 2CT2, 5-MEO-DIPT, Nitrous (laughing gas), ephedrine, hydrocodone, codine and various other over the counter pharmies... and those are the only ones I can remember.

Of all of the above, my favorites are LSD, MDMA and ketamine. Ketamine is the only drug I have ever injected... intramuscularly, not intravenously. (I shot it into my muscle, not my vein.) LSD is a great thing to heal a fractured mind, and MDMA (ecstasy) is an even better thing to help a fragile psyche.

For those that think drugs are bad I wanna share something with you, honestly, and I know it's not a very popular idea, you don't hear it very often anymore, but it is the truth: I had a great time doing drugs. Sorry. Never murdered anyone, never robbed anyone, never raped anyone, never beat anyone, never lost a job, a car, a house, a wife or kids, laughed my ass off, and went about my day.**

Drugs are bad? Your denial is beneath you. And thanks to this acid I'm on, I see through you.**

[** quotes from the late Bill Hicks]

There ya go.
Lvl 13
Originally posted by robodick

Never. Both my young deceased wife and my young wife of 5 years give me the greatest high of all!

I've heard that too... that you can get a lot higher without drugs than you can with them...

It's a lie.

Complete and utter bullshit.

Someone saying they have never tried drugs, but somehow have a basis to judge that their wives give them the greatest high of all... on a message board devoted mostly to porn... anyone else see the irony with this?
Lvl 11
Newb...You evidently have no idea what the total bliss of heavenly love is truly like. Keep your crude remarks to yourself. We both come here to enjoy the pure and awesome beauty of the female body, and to get a laugh now & then.
Lvl 13
Originally posted by robodick

Newb...You evidently have no idea what the total bliss of heavenly love is truly like. Keep your crude remarks to yourself.

Yes, my girlfriend of six years and I have no idea what love is. Sorry for being so impudent.

Out of curiosity, do you have any idea what it is like to feel totally in touch with everything at once? Have you ever touched the singular void of the universe? Have you ever felt love for the guy next to you for no other reason than because you are both dancing your asses off to one of the greatest DJs you have ever heard?
Lvl 13
Originally posted by robodick

Newb...You evidently have no idea what the total bliss of heavenly love is truly like. Keep your crude remarks to yourself.

Oh, just get off your damned high horse with your bullshit stories, mkay? True love is NOT a high. A high implies an altered state of consciousness produced by ingesting a substance of some sort.

True love is a great feeling, yes. It's not an effortless high. It's a lot of hard work. There is no perfect person and if you think for a fucking minute that anyone who DOES have a great relationship doesn't work at it, you're on better drugs than I've ever HEARD of.
Lvl 11
drugs are great!
Lvl 13
Originally posted by NaughtyGypsy


Oh, just get off your damned high horse with your bullshit stories, mkay? True love is NOT a high. A high implies an altered state of consciousness produced by ingesting a substance of some sort.

True love is a great feeling, yes. It's not an effortless high. It's a lot of hard work. There is no perfect person and if you think for a fucking minute that anyone who DOES have a great relationship doesn't work at it, you're on better drugs than I've ever HEARD of.

A-fucking-men. You are my new hero.
Lvl 13
Originally posted by sarsen


A-fucking-men. You are my new hero.

Never fear, NG is here!
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