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Green Eggs and <SPAM>?

Starter: ObsoleteRealism Posted: 13 years ago Views: 18.6K
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Lvl 22


Yeah that 5.7% death rate on Everest seems kinda lame in comparison.
Lvl 59
Apparently the Everest climb isn't really all that technically challenging, whereas K2 is only for highly-experienced climbers and much more technical.

But the weather and atmospheric conditions are deadly.

I see frozen dead people:
That story was kinda fucked up..."green boots."
Lvl 24
I like how before 1990 the death rates are like 40% for everything. And then after 1990 it's all like 7%.
Lvl 59
I dunno, man. K2 and Kangchenjunga still have like 20% death rates. One in five is no joke. lol

On the other hand, if I owned a sporting goods store or extreme-weather clothing company or something, I'd name it "Nanga Parbat is Our Bitch." The death rate prior to 1990 was almost 80%, and now it's 5%. That mountain got owned by Gore-Tex.
Lvl 59
And in a lovely display of typical US moronicity, we have this cop:

Lvl 24
Originally posted by EricLindros

That mountain got owned by Gore-Tex.

In all fairness, ass rape is a pretty good deterrent for speeding.
Lvl 24
Originally posted by Sugarpie_the_sequel

In all fairness, ass rape is a pretty good deterrent for speeding.

Probably for most things.
This site seems to get slower every day.
Originally posted by screwy

This site seems to get slower every day.

Slower loading, or slower as in amount of people?
Slower loading. Page load times are ok but for a page to finish loading it seems to take forever.
Lvl 24
Originally posted by screwy

This site seems to get slower every day.

Originally posted by screwy

Slower loading. Page load times are ok but for a page to finish loading it seems to take forever.

I've been away for awhile, so I can't really remember what it was like a year and a half ago, but it doesn't seem too bad to me. I will say that on my phone it takes an annoying amount of time.
Lvl 24
Originally posted by Sugarpie_the_sequel


I've been away for awhile, so I can't really remember what it was like a year and a half ago, but it doesn't seem to bad to me. I will say that on my phone it takes an annoying amount of time.

Yeah, but that's a Canadian phone, so you can't really judge from that.
Originally posted by Bangledesh


Yeah, but that's a Canadian phone, so you can't really judge from that.

Why the sudden hatred for your neighboUrs to the north? And if you wanna be technical, its a Chinese phone.
Lvl 59
Originally posted by Sugarpie_the_sequel

I will say that on my phone it takes an annoying amount of time.


The site is super bloated in terms of bandwidth for a simple page load.
^ Like we talked...if the smileys were an optional load, it wouldn't be hardly any slower than my computer.
Yesterday I watched the WBW banner at the top of the page load and I felt like I was back on dial-up.

It loaded line...

by line...

by line...
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