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Good Bye My Friend

Starter: sigmer Posted: 17 years ago Views: 4.2K
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Lvl 14
i miss him so much, and i really dont know what to do, he was the one i had most in common to.
Lvl 18
I am sooo sorry that you have this loss. I really never had a best friend that I lost this way. I had a really good friend in college who had everything to live for hang herself. She was a college cheerleader and was a beautiful girl as well as a beautiful person. We still have no idea why. God bless you and her family. I will pray for you and her family.
Lvl 22
my best friend got shot and i had to see him die.

When we drink, we get drunk.

When we get drunk, we fall asleep.

When we fall asleep, we commit no sin.

When we commit no sin, we go to heaven.

So, let's all get drunk, and go to heaven!

Lvl 13
Thoughts and prayers with your friend and all his family. No one knows the dark secrets of someones mind so kept positive and from the posting here you have lots of friends who will be here if you need us.
Lvl 14
Im in the edge to follow him right now.... i dont know what to do
Originally posted by sigmer

Im in the edge to follow him right now.... i dont know what to do

Im sorry for you loss bro.

But don't do it,

Think about how you feel about him passing on, and think about how his family feels.

Then you'll have your answer

Good luck
Lvl 14

There was nothing you could have done. I'm really sorry to hear about your pain. Not even God could have saved him.
Lvl 8
I am so sorry. Be strong. In times like these, it's really difficult to see anything but the darkness. But there are still so many reasons to keep on living. I know it's hard to understand, and you may never know why he did it. All you can do is try to learn from the situation and be grateful for every day you have with your friends and family. Never hesitate to tell someone how much you love them because it could be the last time. Take comfort in your family and friends. And please, do not follow him. Think about the family and friends he left behind and what a terrible tragedy this is for you all. That's not something you really want to do to your own family and friends, is it? People love you and need you. We are all here for you.
Lvl 14
Thank you guys, it really warms me and helps a lot with your understanding....
and im really sorry to post stuff like this here, but i dont know where else i should go....
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