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Girls that try, but just can't get it right...

Starter: gnu1202 Posted: 15 years ago Views: 2.7K
Lvl 5
Have you ever been with a girl that tries to do something sexy, kinky, fun ect. ect. for you but majorly fails? I love the effort and all, but it is such a letdown sometime...It's like the sex version of being pumped for your birthday only to get a savings bond...

Ex) I asked the fiance for our wedding night to get some stripper heels and fishnets...I ended up seeing low heels and the granny fishnets, the ones that go to the waist (that's what I call em at least)

Don't get me wrong it was a great night still, but I felt like someone had just told me Santa wasn't real.
Lvl 6
I and friends for years have talked about girls trying to talk kinky and just end up saying the dumbest shit ever.
Lvl 24
Granny fishnets? You know grandmas that wear fishnets?
Lvl 4
how high(or low) did you want these fishnets to go exactly?
Lvl 12
Originally posted by Bangledesh

Granny fishnets? You know grandmas that wear fishnets?

Ah granny sex, the only sure fire way to know she's not lying and is actually underage
Lvl 14
You gotta be more specific with her. Tell her fishnet 'stockings' and 'stilletto's'.
Originally posted by skateride

I and friends for years have talked about girls trying to talk kinky and just end up saying the dumbest shit ever.

I know what you mean. When i first met my Mrs she used to try and talk dirty in bed but its not what i want to hear. I finally told her one night that half of the shit she was babling on about, just sounded silly. Hence she doesnt do it anymore. The sex is still good though
Lvl 11
[Laughs at self]
Acutally I had a nightmare the other night, somehow it went from a really fun/kinky dream to the time my high-school girlfriend tried to surprise me with a handjob. She was really into it and had the best of intension but did it every hurt. Of course being a young and immature I wasn't too smooth about telling her what she was doing wrong. If I had been wiser it probably would have become something really good, she certainly wanted it to be.

So yeah I'm with Holden_McGroin. Don't be afraid to "be more specific".

That said why am I still having nightmares about that 9 years later. I must have issues, I think I need a shrink.
Originally posted by gnu1202

Have you ever been with a girl that tries to do something sexy, kinky, fun ect. ect. for you but majorly fails? I love the effort and all, but it is such a letdown sometime...It's like the sex version of being pumped for your birthday only to get a savings bond...

Ex) I asked the fiance for our wedding night to get some stripper heels and fishnets...I ended up seeing low heels and the granny fishnets, the ones that go to the waist (that's what I call em at least)

Don't get me wrong it was a great night still, but I felt like someone had just told me Santa wasn't real.

Welcome to the world of married people.
Lvl 20 sorta like (thanks to acups for posting this in babes movie section)
Lvl 10
Originally posted by gnu1202

Have you ever been with a girl that tries to do something sexy, kinky, fun ect. ect. for you but majorly fails? I love the effort and all, but it is such a letdown sometime...It's like the sex version of being pumped for your birthday only to get a savings bond...

Ex) I asked the fiance for our wedding night to get some stripper heels and fishnets...I ended up seeing low heels and the granny fishnets, the ones that go to the waist (that's what I call em at least)

Don't get me wrong it was a great night still, but I felt like someone had just told me Santa wasn't real.
Would it be better if they just said, "Fuck off Jack?"
Lvl 4
a personal experience...

I got to pick my G/F at the times halloween costume. Of course it had to be within reason, so I picked the Supergirl costume. She looked great in it and I was all excited to get the evening overwith to get to the fun part. Somehow at the end of the day though, she was so drunk and I was forced to do all the work, and when she did say something it was, "you wanna fuck supergirl". Oh well, at least I didn't go for the Princess Leah slave girl costume.
Lvl 18
I've been with girls like you're talking about. It does suck. I had a girl pose for some pics for me, she was actually hot but she proved quickly she has no awareness of her body or facial expressions and the pictures came out awful. She would try and do a sexy pose and the whole thing would just look awkward and weird. A LOT of girls just don't understand what sexy is. For proof just look at myspace and all the girls making the "kissy" face. They do that cause they think it's hot/cute but in reality it looks completely retarded. It's the reason why not all hot girls can be models and why some great models aren't all that hot in person.

My wife fortunately for me totally understand sexuality and how to express it with her body, facial expressions and vocals.