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Gays Celebrate Supreme Court Ruling on Marriage

Starter: NightCruiser Posted: 10 years ago Views: 3.5K
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Lvl 20
Originally posted by NightCruiser
I watching watching a documentary on the Bible one night and the show was talking about where Marriage came from. A lot of Jews were out in the desert and cheating on lovers was rampant. This was causing major problems. So marriage was created to put a stop to that

While it may have been true that in this instance you're referring to, NightCruiser, marriage was instituted as a means to ending societal strife, the word itself was first used by the Ancient Greeks and Romans - it's a Latin word that pre-dates written history. There is also evidence throughout the world that the word (or the equivalent of it) was used and spoken in other language long before there was such a thing as a Jew or a Christian of any kind.

Its use being first documented in Latin places it somewhere between 600 BCE and 300 BCE, 300 years or more before the birth of Christ. Bear in mind that the idea of a written language was also still fairly new at this time in established civilizations, so the word was probably used audibly or represented in pictures long before the Latin language was ever set to writing.

So the Jews may have used marriage to help ease societal strife in the circumstance you're referring to, but they did not invent the concept. The written version of the word would have pre-dated any Jew by at least 600 years, and depending on when the events you're describing occurred, the word and concept may have pre-dated the Jews in the desert by several thousands of years.
Lvl 4
Pope says Gays are OTay!

"VATICAN CITY — In a marked shift in tone likely to be discussed in parishes around the world, an assembly of Catholic bishops convened by Pope Francis at the Vatican released a preliminary document on Monday calling for the church to welcome and accept gay people, unmarried couples and those who have divorced, as well as the children of these less traditional families.

The bishops’ report, released midway through a landmark two-week meeting, does not change Roman Catholic doctrine or teaching, and will now be subjected to fierce debate and revision at the assembly.

But it is the first signal that the institutional church may follow the direction Francis has set in the first 18 months of his papacy, away from condemnation of unconventional family situations and toward understanding, openness and mercy..........."
Lvl 20
He may indeed be the saving grace of Catholicism.

I admit that part of me really appreciates and reveres the Roman Catholic church, and I'm glad to see that they seem to be moving towards modern realities somewhat on their own (finally), rather than having to be dragged kicking and screaming, and only once the money ran out.

Thanks for posting that, NightCruiser.
NightCruiser finds this awesome.
Lvl 4
Originally posted by Anonymous

I pray that you never have a gay child or anything to do with the upbringing of a gay child.

Good, keep praying.
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