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Finally figured out how I end up getting outgunned y the competiton at the bars, but the solution involves a moral dilemma..

Starter: nightowl613 Posted: 11 years ago Views: 3.2K
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Lvl 12
Okay, look, if you don't believe me, then head over to and check out all their articles on how all the things you THINK are going to get you laid are actually NOT going to get you laid. Oh, and then follow the links to read the research as to where that verified info comes from if you don't want to take their word for it. Here's a sample: acting like you like them. Talking to them. Being nice or doing anything for them. Complimenting their looks. Acting interested. Doing anything, and I mean ANYTHING to impress them. Go ahead and head over there and do a search for 6 Things Men Do To Get Laid That Science Says Turn Women Off. \

Admittedly, I had been doing the opposite of those things for a long time. Now when I get told "You seem like a nice guy", I just plain fucking bail. That has N-e-v-e-r gotten me laid, and trust me, I have been laid and well by many attractive women in my years. Maybe in the past and without knowing it, that's how I got the skunk those times. I know it all sounds counter-intuitive, but the few times I've brought myself to be a total jerk, it didn't exactly hurt.

But in the long run, this points to the fucking impossibility of real relationships and romance in our time. Those things, because of women, have been replaced by fun but fleeting one night stands. What do they say they want? A guy who pays attention to them, who is nice, who thinks they're beautiful and tells them so, who expressed himself (i.e. most people refer to that as "talking". Okay, so what the FUCK is it, ladies? They want everything, yet nothing. Hell I take that back...they don't know what the hell they want. Then they occasionally get into a relationship with the nice guy but cheat on his ass the bad boys. Or they go out with the bad boy, they'll put up with his demeaning SHIT for the time it takes for a presidential administration to pass,then they go crying to (but not fucking) the good guy, am I right? They have it set up so we just....can' No way. I've been watching this for years, people, it ain't my first rodeo.

All I'm saying is that blow, when you feel like cutting through all the BULLSHIT and actually getting some worthwhile attention and your dick (finally) sucked, is what it's going to take. But really, check out that article.
Originally posted by nightowl613
Okay, look, if you don't believe me, then head over to and check out all their articles on how all the things you THINK are going to get you laid are actually NOT going to get you laid. Oh, and then follow the links to read the research as to where that verified info comes from if you don't want to take their word for it. Here's a sample: acting like you like them. Talking to them. Being nice or doing anything for them. Complimenting their looks. Acting interested. Doing anything, and I mean ANYTHING to impress them. Go ahead and head over there and do a search for 6 Things Men Do To Get Laid That Science Says Turn Women Off. \

Admittedly, I had been doing the opposite of those things for a long time. Now when I get told "You seem like a nice guy", I just plain fucking bail. That has N-e-v-e-r gotten me laid, and trust me, I have been laid and well by many attractive women in my years. Maybe in the past and without knowing it, that's how I got the skunk those times. I know it all sounds counter-intuitive, but the few times I've brought myself to be a total jerk, it didn't exactly hurt.

But in the long run, this points to the fucking impossibility of real relationships and romance in our time. Those things, because of women, have been replaced by fun but fleeting one night stands. What do they say they want? A guy who pays attention to them, who is nice, who thinks they're beautiful and tells them so, who expressed himself (i.e. most people refer to that as "talking". Okay, so what the FUCK is it, ladies? They want everything, yet nothing. Hell I take that back...they don't know what the hell they want. Then they occasionally get into a relationship with the nice guy but cheat on his ass the bad boys. Or they go out with the bad boy, they'll put up with his demeaning SHIT for the time it takes for a presidential administration to pass,then they go crying to (but not fucking) the good guy, am I right? They have it set up so we just....can' No way. I've been watching this for years, people, it ain't my first rodeo.

All I'm saying is that blow, when you feel like cutting through all the BULLSHIT and actually getting some worthwhile attention and your dick (finally) sucked, is what it's going to take. But really, check out that article.

Top notch scientific journalism at its finest.
Lvl 12
Not by any means, but if even 20% of their research is correct, we're in trouble. Another online recourse that may help is the book, which I found in PDF format somewhere last night, titled How to Be The Jerk Women Love. It's by the guy who started the whole scientific approach to gettin' some. It's about how to be the je....okay you get the idea. It's a brass-knuckles guide to the matter at hand, not a comic work. Sit there all you like saying this jerk approach doesn't work, but how many times have you been JBF'd (let's just be friends) by NOT following the advice contained in this sacred tome? And how many times have you seen other guys who have a knack for this kind of method use it, maybe without even consciously doing so, walk off with more ASS than Frank Sinatra? I'm talking about the kind of guys who don't even give that much of a fuck about the girls they date, and who are more than happy to just frequently sit back and watch women throw acid in each other's faces in the hopes of bestowing the *privilege* of a fuck on this guy.. Just read it before you bash it. Better yet, try it on for size.

One thing my Dad used to do was call them after the requisite two day waiting period (it's still 2 days, right?). Oh yes he'd initiate reaching out, being the man and calling. But about 10 min into the phone call he'd say "Oh hey, I've got the call waiting going off. Hang on just a sec." then hang the fuck up. 90% of the time they'd call back. If they didn't then he'd be like "Fuck 'em, it'd just be time wasted on one who wasn't interested.

And let's face something....the only woman we find interesting-who we're trned on by and want-isn't the one who is into the same shit as you. It's the on who, above and beyond all else, is into you. None of that outdoes the sexiness of a woman who *wants* to fuck you. You wanna know why, when I tease my cat by making her chase the dot of a laser pointer around-which is her fave activity, she'll do it for hours-I never ever let her get her paws on the dot itself, catch it? Because if she did, she'd find out it's just a stupid point of light and never never chase it again. When they race greyhounds at a track, they have them chase a mechanical rabbit mounted on a rail. Wanna know why the track has such hefty insurance against that rabbit breaking and coming to a halt? Because if it did, and those dogs caught it, they'd discover it's not a real rabbit, and then they'd never....race.....again. You get my point.
Lvl 28
Interesting read.

I've missed Honda's replies of awesomeness.

No further comment. I'm one of those "lucky" guys with a soul mate, still wondering what the hell I ever did to get so lucky.
Lvl 28
Originally posted by bustMall

I've missed Honda's replies of awesomeness.

Lvl 28

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