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Everyone Wants You To Fail. Honda Learning Life Lessons.

Starter: Honda_X Posted: 12 years ago Views: 2.0K
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Lvl 28
You know how in life, everyone you know always talks about life and love and the future. I honestly feel kinda naive in the fact this is something I've just started noticing recently.

Everyone in life (outside of your family...some of them)..wants you to fail.


I ran into an ex girlfriend recently...she looked like shit. She aged badly since the 10th grade. Anyway, she was getting out of her car as I was getting into mine a few cars down. I park far away because I have a nice car, she parks far away because she can't drive for shit. So anyway, she went on and on about how she's planning on getting a new car, how she just got back from the gym, how she just got a promotion.

I thought about it for awhile, and came to the conclusion, it wasn't just because we dated that she was lying out her ass, it was because in life we're put into a competition with everyone we know. Whoever is the best looking, richest and most successful in life...wins.

I thought all your friends gave you suggestions and stuff because they wanted you to succeed and then you can all have money fights with naked supermodels, but this is not the case. Awhile back I got a government job, and it turned out I made more than my best friend, who is in a trade, he had to apprentice and all that, so he's about 9 years in. I told him how much I made and he started losing his fucking mind.

Honda Friend: What? That's impossible, I only make X amount of money.

Honda: No, it's true...I get expenses too, it's pretty tight.

Honda Friend: Yeah right, I bet.

Honda: Why would I lie, I almost never have jobs, I don't care about that kinda money shit like everyone else.
(most people get all weird when you ask them how much they's a hueg deal to some)

Honda Friend: Well, I make a dollar less than you an hour.

Honda: Oh well, whateves.

Honda Friend: That's fucking bullshit, I'm going to demand a raise or fucking quit!

Really society? Are you that far up your own asses you can't just be happy for a bro? The same thing happened when I decided to get a gf, a lot of my friends got all pissy because I couldn't hangout all the time, nobody was like "sweet, she's a nice girl..highfivesies"...not fucking one.

People just do not want you to succeed...they want to be better than you are..they (most likely you) live in some world where that shit is important, when my friends have good things happen to them, I'm happy for them. Dros recently told me he now has two university degrees. I actually told my parents about it because I was so proud to have someone that awesome as a friend. I wasn't all "well I don't have a degree! The world is bullshit and unfair..and Lindros eats chocolate dildos!"

If I wanted to, I would...If I wanted to work in a trade..I would, I live my life exactly how I want, and enjoy it quite a bit. People hate this. At first I thought "eh, I'd be a little jealous too if someone rolled around in race cars all the time and barely had a job." But genuinely pisses people off.

I just, was curious if you chaps have noticed this..or had any experiences with it. Another good example is my sister and brother...they're both incredibly cheap, but they both ended up buying competing luxury cars. Then one day we all made a fun trip to our financial planner...and it turned out they were both pretty close to broke, and I have tons of money. They lost their fucking minds. They screamed at the financial planner, called my parents..all kinds of retarded bullshit, when the simple fact was, I invest wisely and I put money away whenever I can..and I didn't buy a car. Like, I don't understand this business.

The only time I could see myself getting pissed off about something somebody else has, is if I were doing more work, in the same job as they were, only I was doing it for free, and they were making decent money for it, that would piss me the fuck off.

Anyway, I was just thinking about this earlier and how weird I thought it was...they always say the best revenge is living well, and I kinda believe it's true, considering it pisses off people who are supposed to love me as bad as it does, if someone hated, they're having a bad time.

So, you guys experienced this kinda shenanigans?

Another, far more depressing part of this, is when you're actually out of quickly your best friends will turn their backs on you. I remember my two best friends, whenever we went to the movies for an ENTIRE year at least..I always paid, it was always on me...for all three of us. Then, a couple of times in a row I was like "I'm broke, one of you guys wanna grab me a ticket?" ..."sorry brah, get your own ticket"....that's a shame eh, people will flat turn their backs on your at the first sign of being financially crippled.

Like, I was stuck in a pretty far away town from where I live, and I had forgotten my wallet..and my sister lives there, so I stopped by her work and asked her for $20....she made this great big deal about it "I'm not a fucking ATM, I can't keep loaning you money."

How people want you to end up, but once you're there..fuck you.

That was the first I had ever asked her for money before in my entire life, and I only asked because I had lost my wallet. That's disgusting in my opinion. Now I have to assume a lot of peoples friends and families aren't as fucking awful as mine, but, I'm sure at least some of you have experienced this in your life? Right?

Or do my friends and family really suck that bad?

Or are you the flipside, the one that's doing really well, and tries to make everyone feel like shit about it?
Lvl 35
I hate to say it, but your NOT the only one who has noticed.

Since I have a Fulltime job that pays well i've been the cab driver for my friends, I pay for all the drinks (Non Alcohol for me) and when i tell them that i'm not going to buy the next round i'm a cheap bastard...

A couple of weeks ago i got really pissed off and I just left.

They had to take a cab home
Lvl 27
You have some interesting family and friends there Honda...

And in answer to your question, no, none of my family or friends have ever cared about the amount of money I make, the job I do, or it being a big deal to spot me 20 bucks if I was broke...

Also, I've actually given a friend of mine 100 bucks to cover his checking account when he overdrew it, not a big deal really, except for the fact I was pretty much flat ass broke at the time, I just felt the desire to help him out, but that's just the kind of guy I am...
Lvl 28
Originally posted by P.i.P

I hate to say it, but your NOT the only one who has noticed.

Since I have a Fulltime job that pays well i've been the cab driver for my friends, I pay for all the drinks (Non Alcohol for me) and when i tell them that i'm not going to buy the next round i'm a cheap bastard...

A couple of weeks ago i got really pissed off and I just left.

They had to take a cab home

My friends used to pull that shit too..I'd get a few cokes..and they would get shitfaced then try to split the bill three ways.

@Demo: I want you to fail.
Lvl 7
There are lots of awful people like that in the world, but there are some people who don't suck. I just don't associate with the crap-munchers. Even if we're related. The people I spend time with aren't too concerned with money, as long as the collective has enough for all of us to have fun.

I also just kinda float along from fun or available job to fun or available job, and currently I make more than anyone I know, driving a bus. Bus driving is a good job, if you like driving you should look into it.
Lvl 8
Honda, good for you.. I'm happy for you.

I agree with you.. There are a ton of douchebags in this world. The friends I thought were my best are no longer even acquaintances due to
stupid shit like this. Not many people like Demo around.
Lvl 59
Originally posted by Honda_X

Really society? Are you that far up your own asses you can't just be happy for a bro? The same thing happened when I decided to get a gf, a lot of my friends got all pissy because I couldn't hangout all the time, nobody was like "sweet, she's a nice girl..highfivesies"...not fucking one.

Maybe they didn't do that because she's not a nice girl?

J/k. I'm sure she's fine.

Originally posted by Honda_X

People just do not want you to succeed...they want to be better than you are..they (most likely you) live in some world where that shit is important, when my friends have good things happen to them, I'm happy for them. Dros recently told me he now has two university degrees. I actually told my parents about it because I was so proud to have someone that awesome as a friend. I wasn't all "well I don't have a degree! The world is bullshit and unfair..and Lindros eats chocolate dildos!"

It wasn't chocolate!

Also, people always act like that because life is a competition to most people, and those with more than you - more money, women, cars, houses, STDs, TVs, Educations, abs, etc - are deemed to be better than you in some way or another. It's weird how people get so into that. I think once you realize that you can only control your own life so it's not really productive to worry about other people too much, you start to be a bit happier and less of a hater.
Lvl 28
It's just hard is all, knowing everyone can't wait to watch you fail.

It makes being awesome pretty fun..but, it's just disappointing overall.
Lvl 59
I read some thing one time about how people are happier if they have more (I think the study was money, but I'd guess it works with everyone) than the people around them. But it didn't matter how much those people actually made.

The gist of the article was that if you made $1,ooo,ooo/yr but hung out with lots of people (friends, neighbors, etc) who made more than that, you were more likely to be unhappy. Alternatively, if you only made like $4o,ooo/yr, but surrounded yourself with people who made less than that, you'd be more likely to claim to be happy.

So, in those instances, the person who's making $4ok/yr is actually generally happier than the person making a million.

I remember when I read that I thought, "Boy, people are fucking stupid and superficial" but I guess it's just the nature of being human, to some extent. I mean, thousands of years ago, when you were hunting and gathering, the person who gathered the best was more likely to survive and provide for his family, so I guess there's somethign to that.

But it's stupid now. Because we have supermarkets and such.
Lvl 28
It's extremely stupid.

Also, I find people who are stupid rich, get lazy. Like, my parents are pretty well off, but they still look for deals and shit. A lot of wealthy people seem to like to waste money, like rappers in their videos, just throwing money.

My friend Stanley, his parents bought this giant clock for the living room, and it cost $3000. I was like "Does it turn into anything?" "no."..."What does it do?".."It tells time."...." does every clock...ever."

Then I spent the rest of our friendship making jokes about how Stanleys mom loves big black clocks.

Lvl 59
Originally posted by Honda_X

My friend Stanley, his parents bought this giant clock for the living room, and it cost $3000. I was like "Does it turn into anything?" "no."..."What does it do?".."It tells time."...." does every clock...ever."

Then I spent the rest of our friendship making jokes about how Stanleys mom loves big black clocks.

First, she's a dick for naming her son Stanley. What the fuck, lady?

Second, I think she's a member of this site who comments in the galleries a lot.

But yea, all that shit is just for show, and it's stupid. I don't know how many people bankrupt themselves, or force themselves to live in shitty conditions (poor, broke, shitty apartment, etc) because they're too damn caught up in doing what they think others expect them to do, rather than do what's best and easiest for them.

Like, I know a couple dudes who were flat-ass broke as shit for a couple years, and they were always like, "Oh, well, I could always move back home, but people would think I'm a loser." I was always like, fuck that bro, if you wanna chill at home to save some monies, fuck what everyone thinks. You think everyone is all impressed by your shithole apartment with one piece of furniture and no cable because you can't afford shit, and then you rack up shittons of debt and stuff all while just trying to look like you can pull something off that you really cant? Just stop with the fakery.

If you want a nice watch, get a nice watch. But if you want something on your arm that tells time, and you don't have a money-vault like Scrooge McDuck, get a goddamn Timex. Nobody is going to give a fuck, man. And at the end of the day, they both tell you what fucking time it is.
Lvl 28
My old girlfriend used to really ram that up my ass.

We went to her friends apartment, he was a guy at a restaurant. So, we stayed and I was polite and stuff, then once we left I was like.

Honda: That was fucking disgusting, his apartment is smaller than my bedroom.

Uberbitch: Yeah but, at least he's not still living with mommy and daddy.

Honda: My house isn't really you know...a dump, I could live in a shit hole that smell like catpiss, or I could, you know, have lots of disposable income.

Uberbitch: It's about don't understand, you've never lived on your own.

Honda: You live with your parents.

Uberbitch: Yeah, but I briefly lived with a boyfriend.

When you're a chick, and you go from mom and dad paying the bills, directly into your boyfriend paying the bills.....even though I stopped talking about it at that point, you really ought to shut the fuck up.

Everyones a tool about that shit. Get a job, get married, have kids.

What if there's some shit I wanna do? Then what...I should give up on my life and start worrying about my family?..Yeah, fuck that nonsense, at least for now.

They be hatin dros.
@ EL - I think your study makes perfect sense actually. People tend to spend most of their money regardless of how much they make. And people who are in a group of other people who make roughly the same amount of money will spend roughly the same as their the whole "keeping up with the Jone's" mentality.

So if you make a $1M a year, but all your friends are making $1.2M a year, you're the poor guy in the group...possibly going deeper into debt to "keep up."

If you make $50,000 a year, but all your friends make $40,000 a year then you're the rich guy and there is no one to keep up set the pace.

And since money is one of our biggest stresses in life, if you've got a little extra, you're likely to be happier.
Lvl 59
Originally posted by Sugarpie

@ EL - I think your study makes perfect sense actually. People tend to spend most of their money regardless of how much they make. And people who are in a group of other people who make roughly the same amount of money will spend roughly the same as their the whole "keeping up with the Jone's" mentality.

So if you make a $1M a year, but all your friends are making $1.2M a year, you're the poor guy in the group...possibly going deeper into debt to "keep up."

If you make $50,000 a year, but all your friends make $40,000 a year then you're the rich guy and there is no one to keep up set the pace.

And since money is one of our biggest stresses in life, if you've got a little extra, you're likely to be happier.

Yeah, I kinda get that, but it's still batshit crazy to act like that. Because that person with $1.2M actually has a LOT extra, but is too caught up in their stuff to realize it.

I actually like rich people who live in small places with modest cars. It shows perspective and that they're not excessive jerks who don't get loads of stuff they don't really need. Sort of exactly opposite from the large percentage of NBA and NFL players who go broke within 3 years after leaving the league.
Oh, I totally agree, spending money on shit just because you can is kinda awful, but we all have done it or do you said, the best gatherer was always looked up to. The only difference is today we gather with our Visa cards and lines of credit.
Lvl 17
Originally posted by Honda_X

You know how in life, everyone you know always talks about life and love and the future. I honestly feel kinda naive in the fact this is something I've just started noticing recently.

Everyone in life (outside of your family...some of them)..wants you to fail.

[ Image ]

I ran into an ex girlfriend recently...she looked like shit. She aged badly since the 10th grade. Anyway, she was getting out of her car as I was getting into mine a few cars down. I park far away because I have a nice car, she parks far away because she can't drive for shit. So anyway, she went on and on about how she's planning on getting a new car, how she just got back from the gym, how she just got a promotion.

I thought about it for awhile, and came to the conclusion, it wasn't just because we dated that she was lying out her ass, it was because in life we're put into a competition with everyone we know. Whoever is the best looking, richest and most successful in life...wins.

I thought all your friends gave you suggestions and stuff because they wanted you to succeed and then you can all have money fights with naked supermodels, but this is not the case. Awhile back I got a government job, and it turned out I made more than my best friend, who is in a trade, he had to apprentice and all that, so he's about 9 years in. I told him how much I made and he started losing his fucking mind.

Honda Friend: What? That's impossible, I only make X amount of money.

Honda: No, it's true...I get expenses too, it's pretty tight.

Honda Friend: Yeah right, I bet.

Honda: Why would I lie, I almost never have jobs, I don't care about that kinda money shit like everyone else.
(most people get all weird when you ask them how much they's a hueg deal to some)

Honda Friend: Well, I make a dollar less than you an hour.

Honda: Oh well, whateves.

Honda Friend: That's fucking bullshit, I'm going to demand a raise or fucking quit!

Really society? Are you that far up your own asses you can't just be happy for a bro? The same thing happened when I decided to get a gf, a lot of my friends got all pissy because I couldn't hangout all the time, nobody was like "sweet, she's a nice girl..highfivesies"...not fucking one.

People just do not want you to succeed...they want to be better than you are..they (most likely you) live in some world where that shit is important, when my friends have good things happen to them, I'm happy for them. Dros recently told me he now has two university degrees. I actually told my parents about it because I was so proud to have someone that awesome as a friend. I wasn't all "well I don't have a degree! The world is bullshit and unfair..and Lindros eats chocolate dildos!"

If I wanted to, I would...If I wanted to work in a trade..I would, I live my life exactly how I want, and enjoy it quite a bit. People hate this. At first I thought "eh, I'd be a little jealous too if someone rolled around in race cars all the time and barely had a job." But genuinely pisses people off.

I just, was curious if you chaps have noticed this..or had any experiences with it. Another good example is my sister and brother...they're both incredibly cheap, but they both ended up buying competing luxury cars. Then one day we all made a fun trip to our financial planner...and it turned out they were both pretty close to broke, and I have tons of money. They lost their fucking minds. They screamed at the financial planner, called my parents..all kinds of retarded bullshit, when the simple fact was, I invest wisely and I put money away whenever I can..and I didn't buy a car. Like, I don't understand this business.

The only time I could see myself getting pissed off about something somebody else has, is if I were doing more work, in the same job as they were, only I was doing it for free, and they were making decent money for it, that would piss me the fuck off.

Anyway, I was just thinking about this earlier and how weird I thought it was...they always say the best revenge is living well, and I kinda believe it's true, considering it pisses off people who are supposed to love me as bad as it does, if someone hated, they're having a bad time.

So, you guys experienced this kinda shenanigans?

Another, far more depressing part of this, is when you're actually out of quickly your best friends will turn their backs on you. I remember my two best friends, whenever we went to the movies for an ENTIRE year at least..I always paid, it was always on me...for all three of us. Then, a couple of times in a row I was like "I'm broke, one of you guys wanna grab me a ticket?" ..."sorry brah, get your own ticket"....that's a shame eh, people will flat turn their backs on your at the first sign of being financially crippled.

Like, I was stuck in a pretty far away town from where I live, and I had forgotten my wallet..and my sister lives there, so I stopped by her work and asked her for $20....she made this great big deal about it "I'm not a fucking ATM, I can't keep loaning you money."

[ Image ]
How people want you to end up, but once you're there..fuck you.

That was the first I had ever asked her for money before in my entire life, and I only asked because I had lost my wallet. That's disgusting in my opinion. Now I have to assume a lot of peoples friends and families aren't as fucking awful as mine, but, I'm sure at least some of you have experienced this in your life? Right?

Or do my friends and family really suck that bad?

Or are you the flipside, the one that's doing really well, and tries to make everyone feel like shit about it?

WOW, no offense, but i think you have sucky friends. I mean i have some friends who are tight asses, hell my son is a tight ass with money, but i don't have a TRUE friend that wouldn't give me the shirt off his/her back and vice versa. I guess as you get older and start weeding out friends,you will find out what a bro really is. Good Luck in all(beer)
Lvl 27
Originally posted by Honda_X

@Demo: I want you to fail.

I would expect nothing less from you...

Lvl 22
Hondawg is just worried that he can't keep up with my fail
Lvl 27
Originally posted by EricLindros

I actually like rich people who live in small places with modest cars. It shows perspective and that they're not excessive jerks who don't get loads of stuff they don't really need.

But this doesn't necessarily make them, or the people around them happier than say, me, who makes much less than a friend of mine whom is well off, and lives in a modest home with modest cars and all, reason being is this... Said friend is an engineer, he makes good money, he has a wife and 4 kids, everything he owns is paid for, from his vehicles, to his home, to his kids college educations, (his oldest is 12 and they all have college funds with enough in the accounts to put them through school) he buys nothing on credit and never has, he owes nobody a thing, yet, he is a total miser and his wife has to fight with him to put gas in her car, and for anything else that the household needs, always having to justify anything she spends money on, it seems their entire life revolves around arguing about money...

In this instance it really doesn't matter how much money you make, happiness will never be, myself and another friend of mine have always been happier than he and his family are and we make way less than he does, it's really kinda sad to tell you the truth
Lvl 18
Originally posted by Honda_X

My old girlfriend used to really ram that up my ass.

Agree with most all of this thread minus that part.

Outside of family (which if you have siblings often has its own wierd competitive thing) most everyone else in world really doesn't give two shits about what you do or how well you do it and in fact they probably would gain some level of happiness from your failure, as in at least my life isn't as bad as poor Honda. Unless you "make it big" (whatever the hell that means in your corner of the world) or you land a part in some god-awful "reality" tv show... Then almost whatever you are doing becomes cool and/or what everyone else wants to do. Somehow if Joe or Suzi Successful does it then I should do it too, because then I will be like him/her. Sound a little like a continuation of high school to anyone?

To a certain extent life is a series of competitions and how well we perform in each of those certainly helps shape the directions our lives take, however as we have probably all seen, being "successful and rich" does not equate to being "happy and healthy." So as long as your own priorities are in check, who gives a crap what "everyone" else wants.
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