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Electronic Cigarette

Starter: Beardo82 Posted: 14 years ago Views: 1.9K
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Lvl 11
I'm sure they are, as any company would be concerned about competition/marketshare, but I don't see them being very successful if you're suggesting they'll try to advertise their product as being a better heath choice than e-cigarettes. Either way, you're still inhaling significant quantities of artificial chemicals, I don't need anyone to plant a seed of doubt about whether that's good for the lungs, or the body in general. It's a matter of how you choose to pollute your body, and how long it will take for a health issues to arise.

Even as a non-smoker, I don't get the hatred toward tobacco companies. They offer a product that's in demand, and so what if they try to make it as appealing as possible. Food companies add artificial chemicals and flavors to very unhealthy foods to get people to buy them. If there's no demand, the "problem" takes care of itself.
Lvl 22
Originally posted by absent

The tobacco companies must be shitting themselves over this one. If they get popular enough, it could make a massive dent in their sales. No doubt they are in their boardrooms discussing ways of giving these things as negative public image as possible.
nah...they're probably buying the stock. if e-cigs take off they make alot of money. if they don't, they're still making alot of money.

Lvl 8
Originally posted by azdesertrat

...nah...they're probably buying the stock. if e-cigs take off they make alot of money. if they don't, they're still making alot of money.


Yah big tobacco is a bitch!
Lvl 3
I haven't tried them. but i think its a good idea for people who are trying to quit with the cravings and all. But I have no intentions of quitting. I need my Nicotine and Flavor and all the thousands of chemicals that make them so good.

And as for being able to smoke them anywhere. I have no problem with smoking 10 feet from the door of a building to get my fix.
Lvl 18
I just got one about 3 weeks ago. I really like it alot. I bought blu cigs and they are ok at best. I do like the size, but with that size it has it's issues. So i found other parts that work with it and now it's a beast. But if I was to buy my first starter kit it would be an Njoy 510 from But i live in the uS so it's my best choice, but you could buy it directly from china for less money. Or about the same if you consider shipping.
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