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Best Hook-up You've Ever Had!

Starter: darkhero_z Posted: 19 years ago Views: 511
Lvl 8
I figured it would be fun to share stories of the best times you've ever hooked up with a girl! Personally my favorite was when I was home for christmas at a friends house party. Anyways, there was a girl there who I knew had a crush on me since we were kids. Anyways, we got to talking for awhile just catching up(both of us were 18 at the time). After about 6 - 7 drinks I asked her if it was true she always had a crush on me as kids, she nodded and said I still do. I started to laugh(I mean I hadn't seen the girl in about two years), I told her to prove it. She then walked away from me not even looking back, oviously I was confused to hell. Before I left that night I seen her walk into my friends basement, I followed her down to apologize since I figured I insulted her and she just turned towards me without kissing or anything, got on her knee's and sucked my dick tell I came all in her mouth. I standing there speechless, she then said "Is that good enough?". Anyways, a month later we started to date and two years later she became my wife
* This post has been modified : 18 years ago
Lvl 8
I was 20 she was 25 one night in Orlando she was from Brazil i was from Michigan she was hot it was hot!
Lvl 14
Originally posted by darkhero_z

I figured it would be fun to share stories of the best times you've ever hooked up with a girl! Personally my favorite was when I was home for christmas at a friends house party. Anyways, there was a girl there who I knew had a crush on me since we were kids. Anyways, we got to talking for awhile just catching up(both of us were 18 at the time). After about 6 - 7 drinks I asked her if it was true she always had a crush on me as kids, she nodded and said I still do. I started to laugh(I mean I hadn't seen the girl in about two years), I told her to prove it. She then walked away from me not even looking back, oviously I was confused to hell. Before I left that night I seen her walk into my friends basement, I followed her down to apologize since I figured I insulted her and she just turned towards me without kissing or anything, got on her knee's and sucked my dick tell I came all in her mouth. I standing there speechless, she then said "Is that good enough?". Anyways, a month later we started to date and two years later she became my wife

Sweet story.

So to boil this down to the best part, your wife gave you a blowjob before she ever kissed you?
* This post has been modified : 19 years ago
Lvl 23
I wonder how many times she had done that?
Lvl 12
This was a good one for me:

I used to coach swimming at the pool where I worked in high school. There was this cute, shy girl on the team... we had flirted a little, but no big deal. I lived in a part of town near the local amusement park and my friends and I would hang there on the weekends. One friday I was there -drunk off my ass - (as usual) and I ran into her. As loaded as I was I can still feel here body and the experience of making out together (that's all we did!!) I tried to look her up on Classmates.Com a couple of years ago to see what happened to her.. but no luck. C'est la Vie!!! Ahhh Marsha, Marsha, Marsha....
Lvl 11
i can imagine, for many years to come, when folks ask "how did you get together? what a
great story you have to tell!
* This post has been modified : 19 years ago